Chapter Twenty-Eight {Teaser 4} (Part Three)

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Park Chaeri (Galaxi)'s POV

I heard many screams. Many, many screams filling the hallways. I became anxious. Did Dino tell everyone that I was Galaxi, and many fans were finding me? I just stood there biting my nails, not even wanting to move. I thought that I was doomed.
"Hey, what's all the screaming about? I thought you said your friend Dino is trustworthy." I asked Yugyeom, angrily. "Now I'm doomed. I don't want anyone to know that I'm Galaxi, and yet he told! I hate you guys!" I said, almost into tears. They just laughed at me and slapped their thighs. I was growing angrier and angrier by the minute.
"Oh my gosh Chaeri, you are so sensitive. Haven't you heard? The new very popular Kpop group, NCT 127, is transferring here today! And I think they've arrived, so that's why there are many screams here. Let's go meet them, maybe they'll like you, eh, since you aren't wearing your ugly nerdy glasses anymore. They're really handsome, too. Wait until you meet their visual." Bambam said, and pulled my hands. He seemed eager to meet them, too. I was just relieved that Dino hadn't said anything about me being Chaeri, and I was, you know, calm, and somewhat embarrassed.
We crossed the hallways, and saw 9 very handsome boys in the crowd, surrounded by fangirls. Once they saw Bambam and Yugyeom, they rushed over to give them a bro-hug.
"Finally, eh, bruh. You guys have become uglier and uglier by the moment! I'm shocked that I even recognize you!" Bambam joked, and patted their leader, Taeyong, on the head. Man, Taeyong is really handsome, oh my gosh. Now that I think of it, Jungkook is getting uglier and uglier by the minute.
"Yeah, bruh. I can't believe you grew so short! Now come on man, say nice things, we've only just got here. These are my bandmates: Yuta, Jaehyun, call him Jeffrey cause he likes that, Haechan, Mark, Winwin, Doyoung, and our best-hyungs, Taeil and Johnny." Taeyong said, introducing his bandmates. Fangirls were starting to get too crazy, so Yuta made an announcement.
"Please, girls, can you guys not interrupt for like 5 minutes? We need to talk personal things here, I'm sorry. Please first go back to your classes." He said, and winked at the fangirls. They immediately obeyed, and I could see some of them are literally dying.
"Yeah, hey, Yugyeom, who's that hot girl standing beside you, huh?" Taeil asked Yugyeom. I blushed but immediately introduce myself.
"I'm Park Chaeri, friends of these two idiots. Please excuse them, they're basically having a stroke right now. Oops. Let me correct that. They have a stroke every now and then, excuse me." I said, laughing at Yugyeom and Bambam. They laughed with me, along with the NCT 127 members.
"It's so weird when you aren't like the other fangirls, screaming and judging us every now and then. Are you even a fan of us?" Haechan asked me, smiling. I smiled too.
"I gotta say this is the first time that I met you guys apart from music shows." I laughed at myself. Wait, did I just say music shows?
"Music shows? Are you an idol too? No wonder. I was just wondering if you were an idol, since you are so pretty." Mark said, smirking at me. Taeyong told him to be quiet, shushing him. I pulled Yugyeom and Bambam to the side.
"Is it okay to tell them? Are they trustworthy like Dino?" I asked them. They nodded, and smiled at me.
"Trust me that you can trust them. They are like our best bros, like Seventeen. But promise me something, Chaeri." Yugyeom held my hand.
"This is the last group, or people that you will tell. And no more. No more people." Bambam finished his will. I nodded, and held out my pinky finger. I promised them. We turned around to face NCT 127.
"Yes, I'm an idol. My name's Galaxi from Galaxy Star, thank you very much. Please take care of me. Can you guys promise me one thing? It's my last will." I asked them, smiling. They smiled back at me, giving me confidence.
"Okay. Please name it." They said, smiling wider.
"Please don't tell anyone about this. I'm only telling you this along with Seventeen and GOT7. You guys are the only ones that know about this. Thank you very much." I said.

Please don't break my trust. I believe in you guys, NCT 127 and Seventeen.

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