Chapter Sixteen (Part Two)

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I quickly got off the minivan, and accidently bumped into Suga. I gulped, because it was Suga, one of the baddest boys at school. I was actually pretty scared what he will do or say to me, so I just stood there shaking. I waited for a batch of harmful words and maybe a slight kick or slap, but nothing came. I saw a blushing Suga with his head down, and other BTS members smirking at him. I shrugged. Confused, I got off the van first.
I wore my mask so people will not recognize me. If people recognize me, I'm screwed.
"Hey." Choi Areum said. She skipped off the van after me.

"Hi there." I replied back, giving her a smile. She smiled back.
"Can we be friends?" She asked me. "Three people are sharing a room, so can we share a room together? I don't want to room with those boys."
"Sure, I'd look forward to that." I replied, as we walked inside the train station. Thanks, she got me out of the risk of actually rooming with Jeon Jungkook.
"Guys." Jin called. We turned around, and saw Jin controlling his kids. I couldn't help to giggle.
"Hey Jin." I said.
"Can you help us buy nine train tickets to Busan?" Jin asked. "Some of us needed to go to the bathroom." I nodded.

"I-I'll help." Suga said. I was shocked, my mouth hanging open.
"It's okay, I can go by myself, it's just right over there, thanks anyways, Suga." I said, and smiled at him. Maybe he wasn't too bad. So I just went to the ticket booth and bought nine tickets for us bounding for Busan. By the time I bought them, all eight other people were already ready, waiting for me.
I passed out the tickets one by one, and got to Jungkook. I skipped him on purpose.
"Hey, nerd, give me my tickets!" Jungkook said to me.
"Oops, sorry, what did you say?" I said, and made a point of cleaning my ears.
"Hey, guys, come on. The train will depart in ten minutes." Jin said, and Rap Monster nodded. I sighed, and gave Jungkook his tickets.

~Time Skip, On The Train~

"Hey, can I sit with you?" Areum asked me. I nodded. She was blushing really hard, so she hid her face.
"Can you borrow me your mask?" She asked me again. I shook my head.
"I-I really need this because special purposes!" I stuttered. She nodded her head, and sat beside me.
"Hey, what're you blushing for? You're as red as a tomato!" I asked her. She just played around with her fingers, before telling me.
"I-I have a crush." She said. Yeah, I should've known. But who is her crush?
"Who is it?" I asked her.
"I-I like... Kim...Kim..." She said, before getting stopped by a stupid Jungkook.
"Why are you sitting here?" He said to me.
"My seat." I simply replied to him. Wait, does that mean he's beside me?
"Why am I beside you?" He asked in an annoyed way. Man, lots of fans wanted to sit with me, and there's him, annoyed about the chance of sitting next to me.
"Areum, where's your seat?" I asked, and turned to Areum.
"40E." She replied. It was just behind our seats!

"Oh, it's behind us. Beside... Jin!" I said, and I could see her going redder than tomato. Yes, so she likes Jin, and Jin likes her. They were both blushing rapidly. I smirked at them.
For the whole ride to Busan, Jungkook just slept, so I was having a good time all to myself. I admired the views outside the window. I examined his face, and he was actually pretty handsome. Really handsome, in fact. But with his attitude, it immediately cancels him off my list.

~Time Skip, Busan~

"Guys, these are your roomates." Jin said. "We'll announce them now." Please, please, please, not with Jungkook.
"Firstly, with the first three person group. J-Hope, Jimin and Jungkook." Jin announced. I let out a deep sigh.

"Nerd, you don't want to room with me right?" Jungkook asked me. I just stood there, not saying anything.

"The second group will be Suga, Areum and Chaeri! Your room is beside Jungkook's room." Jin said. I groaned. Out of all these rooms, why beside their room?
"So it means the last group is Namjoon, Taehyung and me. Clear?" Jin asked. We nodded our heads.
"As soon as we get to the hotel, we can go to the pool and have fun together. We'll leave at ten tonight." Jin said. We cheered. I can't wait to get in the pool and have fun!

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