Chapter Twenty-Two

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Today I had a tight schedule. I had to go to Inkigayo with JaeMi -unnie and become the special MC. EXO was performing, so I wasn't reluctant to come. Suho and Kyungsoo were also the special MCs. This week's Inkigayo is the deadly Hip-Hop theme, so I had to wear snapbacks, black jeans, and a crop top.
"Hello, it's Inkigayo! I'm this week's special MC Galaxi from Galaxy Star!" I started off.
"Yes, and it's JaeMi from Galaxy Star!" JaeMi-unnie continued.
"Hi, this is Inkigayo's special MC Suho from EXO!" Suho said.
"Don't forget me! I'm D.O from EXO!" Kyungsoo said. We giggled.
"Suho. I heard that EXO has a comeback!" JaeMi-unnie said to Suho.
"Yes, that's right. Our new song is called Monster. Be sure to listen!" Suho replied. I nodded.
"Since we're talking about EXO, let's bring them out! Where are they?" I questioned. D.O pointed to a group of boys hiding behind the table.
"There they are!" Kyungsoo said. We pretended to look shocked for the show.
"Hello, one, two, three, we're EXO!" EXO said. We clapped for them.
"Because you came to Inkigayo, you must be performing next, right?" Kyungsoo asked them. We all giggled.
"Yes, that's right! We finally had our comeback and we're really happy!" Chanyeol said.
"Can you teach us the choreography of Monster?" I asked EXO. They nodded.
"Kai-sshi, please teach them!" Chen said. Kai pretended to glare at him.
"You're the chensing machine!" He whined. Kai taught us the choreography of Monster, and I immediately learned it. I loved the choreography.
"So, next, let's watch EXO's live performance here on Inkigayo!" Suho said. We all nodded.
"Music, music, start!" We all said.
--At School--
I rushed to school immediately after I finished the Inkigayo shooting.
"Today we'll be having a talent show." The announcer said. "Please gather at the school auditorium." Now that Bora and Areum have both transferred at our school, it's getting really hard to talk to BTS by myself. However, Areum and I have become best friends because I realized that she's a really good friend, really nice, and her she's easy to talk to. Bora spread the rumor that she and Jungkook are dating, which, in my point of view, is really pathetic. Well, if she wants the fangirls to kill her, then, go straight ahead. Bambam and Yugyeom are really popular at school too now. But they're still my best friends. And guess what, surprise, surprise, Bora joined the talent show too, with a couple of her "gang", just to get Jungkook's attention.
There were a couple of people that were pretty good at b-boying, but Bambam just snorted. "JB-hyung can do much better than that", He stated. Of course he can. Did Bambam just forget that JB's an idol? I secretly laughed to myself. Then, there were a couple of kids who sang and danced, well, I'll give them an A+ for effort. Areum seemed to think they were really good. Bambam, Yugyeom and I were getting ready to sleep, when they suddenly announced that Bora's group are going to be next. Apparently Bora named her crew "Bora and the Beautiful". Areum, Bambam, Yugyeom and I choked on our saliva when we heard the name of her crew.
"Hello, we're Bora and the Beautiful! We're going to be performing Gugudan's Wonderland! Music, music, start!" They said. They were literally copying Inkigayo's lines. I rolled my eyes.
Bora sang all of the song, and it literally was screeching so we had to put our hands over our ears. Bora's screw wore these really skimpy blue shiny mermaid costumes so they looked really awkward when they danced. After a short four minutes, it was finally over.
"Next up, Bangtan Boys with their song Young Forever." The announcer said. Cheers immediately rose up in the room. I sat straight up, because I couldn't wait for their turn. Areum sat up too, because obviously she wanted to see Jin.
J-Hope started the song. About halfway, Jungkook started singing. I remembered his voice. The soothing and powerful voice that God sent to Earth. The song was really good, and I was hoping for it not to end.
"Hey, they're actually pretty good. Really good, in fact." Yugyeom whispered in my ear. I nodded.
"Jin's so cool. He looks really awkward but sweet." Areum said and giggled. I giggled too. Really, Jin does look awkward and sweet. The performance ended as quick as a wink.
"Please, I have a surprise, can you give me more time?" Jungkook asked. The announcers looked at their watches, and slowly nodded "yes". Bora looked sure that he's going to confess to her or something, pfft.
"I want to sing this song to someone special. Can that someone please come up?" Jungkook said. He was looking at my direction but I was pretending not to see him. Bambam nudged me.
"Go up, he's obviously calling for you, pabo!" Bambam said. I shook my head. I saw Bora immediately run up to the stage, clinging on Jungkook's arms.
"I'm sorry, I didn't make it clear. Can Park Chaeri please come up?" Jungkook said again. Bora looked angry and embarrassed, but she still stayed in her spot. I reluctantly walk up the stage. Jungkook held my hand, and slightly pushed Bora out of the way. He sang Gummy's "You Are My Everything".
"I've trained with a trainee also called Chaeri, and she sang this song with me. She isn't you, but I still want to give this song to you, because you're my everything." Jungkook said. I was really touched.
A lot of people wolf-whistled, and of course, Bora looking as pissed off as ever. I saw Bambam and Yugyeom smirking at me, and I just rolled my eyes at them.
This was his surprise for me. I'll give him a surprise by the end of the week. A big surprise, in fact.

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