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You walk down the street, lined with shops. You were getting a small batch of groceries since by the sounds of the case, you, Sven, Eve, and (of course) Train had taken, you'd probably have to investigate a little bit more because unlike most of the criminals you went for, this one seems to know how to cover his tracks for the most part. He was smart, but he wasn't that smart.

He serious has his face on papers everywhere. Definitely not super smart.

You hear your name being called. You turn to see Train jog up to you. He slows and casually walks closer to you. You liked him a little. He was quite likable. He was goofy, and also very handsome. Okay. You had a big crush on him. Not where you are a blubbering fool in front of him, but you often steal glances at him, and do enjoy spending time with him. You knew how to keep your cool.

"Hey, Train." You smile at him. "What you up to?"

"What? I can't spend time with the person, who I enjoy most in the group?" He grins.

"Yeah, yeah. You're buying your own milk." You say.

"Come on! You think I'm that low to compliment you just to get milk?" He whines.

"I know you are. Since it was such a small complement it indicated you want milk, but if it's big that means you're going for food." You point.

"Come on! You must be mistaking me for someone else!" He says, pasting an innocent look on his face.

You laugh and start walking again. He walks with you with his hands in his pockets. "But since you mentioned it, I wouldn't mind some milk." He says, oh so subtly.

"I know, Train. I also know that you used your money on milk." You say.

"I drank all that before I got to back! How did you know?" He asks.

"I know everything, Train, everything." You laugh.

"I hope you don't know everything. That would make things a bit more awkward." He smirks.

You look at him. "Gutterhead." You say.

"Hey. Who says I was thinking about that?"

"Everything, Train. Everthing." You repeat. You both laugh. "Since I am feeling generous today, I'll buy you some milk."

Train grins. He knew just how to butter you up (nonsexually, of course). Not with complements, but with joking and making you laugh. He knew you thought you were hard to break, but he done it so easily before. Also, Eve. Eve could ask for anything and you'd get it for her. In fact, you walked into a sweet shop to buy her some candy she never asked for.

You roam around to see what they had. Train complained about nothing in there was milk. You grab some milk candy, take it out of the wrapper and shove it in his mouth. He roles it around in his mouth, sated for now. You grab a handful of cinnamon candy for Sven, even if it wasn't as hot as he liked, and also some suckers and hard candy for Eve. You even throw in some milk candy for Train.

You place the baggies and empty wrapper and the cashier brushes off the wrapper. You pick it up, and put it back on the counter. The cashier looks at you like you lost you mind. "He is eating it." You point at Train who stuck out his tongue with the candy on it.

The cashier nods and cashes you out.

You hand the bag to Train. "Make yourself useful."

"What? You're not just being really generous?" Train says innocently.

"Carry the bag, Train." You say to him, narrowing your eyes. He hurriedly takes the bag.

Although, he could soften you up but as soon as you go scary voiced, you could take down any assassin. Though, he wouldn't let you even try since he liked you quite a bit. Also, his milk supply was at risk.

You two entered a basic grocery store and pick around. Train saw some milk and grabbed it.

"No. Not that." You say taking away from you.

He looks like a kid who got candy stolen from him. "Why?" He reached for the milk.

"Its obviously not fresh. Here shake it." You say.

He shakes it, and it makes a sludging sound. He puts it down and frowns. You walk him out when you're done shopping and stop at a stall selling fresh milk. You get three, two for Train and one for you (sorry if you're like me and you hate milk (V_V) just go with it).

You two calmly walk down the streets back to where everyone was resting. You two stop at the park to relax.

"Was that a good first date?" Train asked, subtly (*coughs* not *cough*)

You lose a fight against a blush. "Stop sucking up. You already have your milk and candy."

"That wasn't sucking up though." He grins at your blush.

"Train Heartnet, you're trying to break a heart that's not yours to break." You say jokingly. Train comes close and lowers his voice.

"I don't want to break it, but I do want it all the same." He was so close to you felt his knee brush yours and could see yourself in his yellow eyes. You blush madly and scoot away. You hit the edge of the bench, and Train traps against the armrest.

He's kisses you softly on the lips.

You close your eyes and kiss back. Weird instinct isn't it? You also wrap your arms around Train's neck. He laughs and pulls back.

"Hey. We're in a park. You can't get too deep into it." He teases although he too was blushing. "You know I wasn't lying earlier saying I liked being around you."

"Sure, milk lover." You say.

He laughs. "You also said you know everything, but obviously can't tell when I like you."

You blush more and shove another milk candy in his mouth. He laughs again. Then, he pulled you into another kiss. Deeper and more passionate. He even slipped his tongue in your mouth slightly. You tasted the milk candy, that he shoved into your mouth.

"Maybe you should try some." He laughs when he pulled away.

You blush (if you can) more. No! No! Keep your cool, (Y/N)! You scream in you mind.

You smirk. "Hm. I don't have a taste for it actually. Maybe you should have it back." You pull him into a kiss and push it back into his mouth, pull away, and stands up.

"You're breaking my heart, (Y/N)!" He exclaims dramatically.

You laugh a little too harshly. "Like I could break your heart, Heartnet." (*laughs at own joke* sorry. Skip that paragraph. I'm redoing that line)

"As if I could manage to break you, Black Cat." You say a little darkly.

"Of course, you can, (Y/N). You honestly mean a lot to me." He says, standing up and hugging you. "I love you. I love you, (Y/N)."

You hug back. "I love you, too." You mutter.

"What was that" Train teases.

"Shut up." You say. He seems to grow stiff. "I love too, Train." You say louder, and he relaxes.

"Good first date?" He asks again.

"I guess you can say that." You tease and laugh. You pull away and start walking back to the base. Train comes along.

Actually longer than I thought. Tell me your thoughts even if their mean. I'll update soon. Bye!

Train Heartnet (Black Cat) X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now