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Another modern one because if I were to do it any other way the irony wouldn't work 😂

You sing and dance around your apartment. "Hey soul sister, ain't that Mr. Mister on the radio, stereo. The way you move ain't fair, you know!"

Train walks in and watches you, leaning against the doorway. "What are you listening to?" He asks.

A sly grin forms on your lips. "Train."

"What?" He asks.

You burst out laughing. "I'm listening to Train." You say around giggles. Train tilts his head at you. "It's a band." You add.

His mouth forms an O and he chuckles. "You planned this didn't you?"

"Nah. I thought of it awhile ago, but didn't think I'd fulfill it today. Why are you here anyways? Weren't you going somewhere?" You ask.

"I did leave. For five hours. It's 2:39 right now." He says.

You look at the wall clock to see it change to 2:40 pm. You blink. "I didn't realize it was this late."

Train laughs. "To busy singing and dancing?"

"I didn't just sing and dance. I also cleaned." You point out to him.

He comes up to you and kisses your forehead. "You did well honey."

You smile and grab his hands and start dancing out of beat with the current song playing. He laughs and twirls you. You both dance for what seems like forever. And you guys didn't want to stop.

"I have something to tell you." Train says as you guys made the transition into a slow dance.

"Hm?" You hum from his shoulder.

"I-" a phone goes off.

You detach and go to grab your ringing phone.

"Sorry. Just a minute." You say to Train. He nods understanding.

"Oh thank God. Hey, (Y/n)." It was Eve's mother. "Eve got sick after school and I have to work and her father won't be out until five so can you pick her up from school and watch her for a few hours?"

"Uh. Yeah. Sure." You say.

"Thank you." She hangs up on you.

"I gotta watch Eve for awhile. She's sick I guess." You say to Train.

"Alright." He nods, smiling.

You pick Eve up from her school. She's paler than usual, and is almost moodier. She ended throwing up twice on the way to you apartment, which thankfully you thought it was a good idea to bring bags.

You get to the apartment to see that Train had already set up a station for Eve, blankets, bucket, and all.

"Thank you, Train." You smile at him.

He smiles back.

You sit Eve down on the sheet covered couch.

"I don't wanna lay down though." Eve whines.

"Then sit." You say.

"But I don't wanna." She continues. She ended up throwing up again into the bucket. You take a wet wash clothes to her face and give her some water. She ends up laying down even after whining about not wanting to.

You go into the kitchen to grab her some crackers. Train follows.

"So about what I was going say earlier..." He says.

"Yes?" You pull out a packet of crackers from the box.

"I was thinking-"

"(Yyyyy/nnnnn)." Eve whines. "Traaaaaiiiiiiin." And then there's more vomiting noises.

Train Heartnet (Black Cat) X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now