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This is gonna be painful. Just saying. o('ω`)o

Warnings: death, suicide attempt

Train's P. O. V.


"Have you ever seen the ocean?" (Y/n) asks. She stares at the picture on the wall of our motel room. It was a generic picture of a beach with a big blue ocean stretching to meet the sky.

"Yeah. Once or twice." I say looking up from cleaning Hades. "Have you?"

"No, but I've always wanted to." She smiles. "I've been to beaches, but none at the ocean."

"Its not as grand as people make it sound." I say.

"Well, I wanna make that choice myself." She laughs. She comes over to the sofa I'm sitting on and leans on against me. I put Hades aside and look down at her. She puts her chin on my shoulder and smiles. I kiss her. She giggles.

"Hey guys! You ready to go?" Sven slams open the door.

Cockblocked (≧▽≦)

"I am." (Y/n) says getting off the couch with a sigh. I get up along with her.

~Time skip and a bad guy later~

(Y/n) runs ahead of me. She's smiling and cheering as we walk out of the police station. She was so excited about the bounty.

"(Y/n) you do realize most of it is going to bills we owe, right?" Sven says.

"Still, there's quite a bit imagine all the (f/f) we can get." She says practically drooling.

"Jeez, (Y/n), you're starting to sound like Train." Sven laughs.

She gasps dramatically. "I am offended you'd say such a thing, Sven!"

She continues to dance around. I join her, taking her hands and twirling her around. Both of us smiling and giggling.

"So you know how you said you wanted to see the ocean?" I ask.

She smiles widely. "Uh-huh."

"Well, I asked Sven about it, and he said we'd make our way that way next." I grin at her.

"Oh my god. Really?" I nod and she jumps into my arms. "I love you so much, Train!"

"I love you, too, (y/n)." I hug her closely.

~time skip~

"So, since we stopped here, we might as well see if there's a bounty to pick up. Is that all right? We have a ways to go to the ocean still and will need the money." Sven says.

"That makes sense, let's do that." (Y/n) smiles.

Eve and I nod and agreement. We all go to the diner and look at the bounty board.

"Look at this guy." (Y/n) points at a poster as she laughs. "Look at the look he's making in the picture." She mimics it and Eve giggles behind her hand.

"How about this one?" I point at another and mimic the face in it also. Both Eve and (y/n) giggle.

After making fun of a few more we looked at the posters for a bounty to chase seriously.

Train Heartnet (Black Cat) X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now