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This is an apology for the previous angst. It's gonna be super fluffy.

"Hey Train?" You ask.

"Yeah babe?"

"Do I look like I got fatter to you?" You turn every which way in the mirror.

"That's a trick question and you know it." Train looks at you. "Anyways, no matter what weight you are I'll love you no matter what. You're beautiful."

"I don't really mean it as a trick. I just think its odd. Maybe I'm bloated. Maybe my period is coming." You say, and lay down next to Train in bed.

Train grabs you to cuddle and kiss your cheek. "I love you."

"I love you, too." You smile.

~time skip~

"WIFEY!" Train screams for you. You were at the store with him and you were looking at something that can change your life.

"WIFEY! WHERE ARE YOU?" He screams desperately.

You had intentionally lost Train. Although you didn't expect him to scream for you throughout the store.

You grab at what you were looking at and shove it at the bottom of your cart. You move to the next aisle.

"(Y/NNNNNN)!" He screams.

"I'm over here, Train!" You shout and poke your head out the aisle. He sees you and runs to you. Everyone was looking at you and Train. You blushed and mouth a "sorry".

Train latches onto you and doesn't let go of you all throughout the store. You giggled at how childish he was acting.

~Time skip~

You stand in the bathroom practically burning holes into the floor as you pace.

"HONEY~ I'M HOME~" Train shouts as he comes in. You jump.

"I'm in the bathroom! Don't come in! I'm... um... constipated!" You shout. You smack your forehead.

"Oh. You okay?" You hear Train on the other side of the door.

"Yeah. Um. Your home early. Why's that?" You change the subject.

"Oh. Sven sent me home early. He said I should be home with my wife. Did you talk to him? Is something wrong?" Train asks.

THAT TRAITORIOUS PRICK. You scream in your head.

You had told Sven about your situation and made him swear not to say anything about it.

You will the test to show you results faster.

"(Y/n)? You okay?" Train says from the other side of the door.

"Uh. Sorry. I'm... um... concentrating." You blurt, then facepalm.

"Concentrating on... pooping?" He asks sounding very confused.

"Yes! Im concentrating on pooping!" You say.

"Uh. Okay." You hear him walk away.

One more minute and the results are there. Two lines.

"Oh. My. God." You say, and swing open the door. Train is sitting on the couch staring at his phone and looks up when the door hits the wall.

"You okay?" He asks.

You launch yourself into his arms. "Yes. Yes I am."

"Did you flush the toilet? I didn't hear it? Did you wash your hands?" He asks as your hands clap on both sides of his cheeks.

"That's not important right now. There something I need to tell you." You say.

"Um. But did you...? What did you need to tell me?" He changes his mind, not wanting to know the answer to the first question. You give him a big grin and he smiles in response. "What is it?" He asks again.

"I'm pregnant!" You say, tears forming in the corner of you eyes.

His eyes go wide, his mouth falls open. He then blinks rapidly. "What?"

"Train, I'm pregnant! We're having a baby!" You exclaim.

"A baby? I'm going to be a dad?" He asks. You nod in response. Suddenly, his face breaks out into the biggest grin you've ever seen on him, you can feel your grin get even bigger.

You both sit there smiling and staring at each other. He leans forward to press a million little kisses all over your face, and rests his forehead on yours. You can see he has tears in his eyes. You giggle and wipe them away with your thumb.

"I know it's sudden and we didn't really plan on having kids yet, but I'm really happy." You say.

"Me, too. I'm still shocked." He chuckles. Suddenly, he pulls his face away from yours and has a serious face. "We need to get a crib and set up a nursery! Ah! First we need to paint the nursery! And we need to buy toys! And-"

You stop by pressing your lips to his, giggling. "Relax. We have plenty of time to do all that."

He does stop and just stares at you, and breaks out into another smile. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too."

Time skip





You sigh and rub your forehead. You had walked away from Train, and your child for five minutes and this is how they react. You couldn't help but laugh a little at their silliness. You turn to the aisle they're in and they instantly spot you and latch onto you. You smile as you pick up your child and hug Train.

Nothing could make you more happy than you were in that moment.

Train Heartnet (Black Cat) X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now