Modern Day

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I decided I was gonna do a little pattern between actiony  (best new word #newword2016 Lol) and sweet chapters to even it out unless I get a request. Requests come first unless I need to put myself in the mindset of it. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

You and Rinslet were at a cafe.

"Com'n, (Y/N)! Why don't you just meet him? He is hot. I would date him, but you know, I have to keep the playing field open. Some men don't like a taken woman." She smirks.

"Stop trying to make me meet guys, Rins. You know how last time went. Anyways. Who names their son Train?" You stir you (f/d) with a straw (if it's a hot beverage then you're using a stirring stick).

"That was an accident. I didn't realize he was so into me." She giggles sipping her Diet Coke, talking about the first and last guy she hooked you up with. "Anyways, there's, like, a story or something behind his name. I didn't really pay attention. Oh. How about this. He's the nephew of that guy you babysit for."

"Sven?" You ask.

"Yeah. The guy who is too hot and young to be a father, but still is." She giggles again.

"Rinslet! He's 30!" You pause. "Okay. I guess that actually isn't that bad. And how do you know that Train is Sven's nephew?"

"I have my ways." She winks at you.

"Rinslet!" You say, sternly.

"Fine. Fine. I saw him with that girl that you babysit in the store, and I asked Train about it, and he said that she was his cousin, making Sven his uncle." She smirks.

"Are you sure it was Eve? You tend to see an 11 year old girl with blond hair and automatically see her as Eve." You point out.

"I'm not like that! It was totally Eve! Long hair, silent most of the time. You don't find many 11 year olds like that." She defends herself.

"Either way, I am not letting you set up a blind date with a guy named after some sort of transportation." You point you straw (stirring stick) at her.

She lets out an exasperated sigh. "Fiiine."

"Don't be so melodramatic." You tease. You both hang out at the cafe for a few hours. She didn't mention Train again.

Later that night you got ready to leave to babysit Eve. Sven thanked you as per usual and ran out of the house. You just spent most of the time reading in the living room with Eve. (Yes I made Eve Sven's daughter in this if you haven't figured out yet. Yes, I know Eve appeared to have a crush on Sven in the anime. Yes, I know Train is not related to Sven. I just couldn't leave Sven and Eve out so I made a reason to include them)

Rinslet texts you. U will nvr guess who i just seen

You sigh and reply with what she wants you to reply with. Who?

She texts almost immediately. Train and Sven. They said theyre on their way home. Guess ur abt 2 meet Train 😉😘

You just sigh and reply with a simply "seriously" and an annoyed emoji. You text her a bit more, and put Eve to bed and wait for you shift to be relieved. Sven was a family friend, so it wasn't shocking to have him ask you to babysit once in awhile when he had nightshifts. It's not like it was too often either. Also, Eve was always good for you so it wasn't too much of a problem even with your regular job and college courses.

You hear a car pull into the driveway, and car doors slam shut. You start to pick up your stuff and get ready to go as soon as Sven says you can. It's not like you brought much other than homework and a book. The door jiggles and you just unlock it and swing it open.

Sven jumps back. "(Y/n)! Why do you always do that?" The man behind him bursts out laughing. You smile a bit.

"To keep you on your toes." You reply.

"My fright amuses you." Sven says as you step out of the way for them to enter.

"Hey, Sven. I didn't know you went for the younger women." The man winks at you.

"I already told you that she is just Eve's babysitter you perv." He glares at the man. "(Y/n), this is Train. He's my nephew."

"Yeah. Rinslet already filled me in." You say.

Sven's face twists in confusion. "Rins-"

"The girl who was all over me earlier." Train laughs.

"Oh. Her." Sven says, remembering.

Train looks at you, and grins. "Don't worry. Rins mentioned you quite a bit. It's surprising that we haven't met before, considering our connections."

You laugh. "Yeah. That's true."

"Oh. Is Eve asleep?" Sven asks.

"She should be. She went to bed an hour ago. Do you want me to check?" You ask politely.

"No. I'll go check on her." Sven says, and walks up the stairs.

"Rinslet appears to be right though." Train says out of the blue.

"What?" You ask.

"You seem nice, cute, and good with children. I'm assuming she was also right about everything else, too." Train says.

You blush slightly. "I guess she wasn't wrong about you, too."

"What did she say?" He asks.

"That you were a total stud." You tease. Train's face turns into mock-offense. You laugh.

Sven comes down the stairs. "Hey, (y/n). You're old enough to drink right?"

"Yeah. Why?" You respond.

"Oh. Train and I were just about to have some drinks if you want to join us." Sven says walking to the kitchen.

"I don't think I should. It's almost 12." You reply.

"What? Do you have to be home by midnight or your magic gown will disappear?" Train teases.

"Yes. My fairy godmother would be oh so pissed if I didn't take her warning." You laugh.

"Maybe I'll have a talk with your fairy godmother. Who is she?" Train asks.

"Rinslet." You reply, grabbing your bag.

"I'm sure she would be fine with it since you're with me."

"Sorry, but even Rinslet would not approve this." You laugh more.

"Well, can I at least get your number or a glass shoe? Preferably a number." Train smirks.

"I know Rins already gave you my number."

Train laughs in turn. "True, but it's always polite to ask. Just know I will be texting you."

"Well, I might respond. Maybe I won't. Although I will probably eventually talk to you again anyways." You head toward the door. "I'm gonna leave, Sven! Take care! Also, don't let Train get you wasted!" You call. Train gives you an innocent look and laughs. You laugh too.

"Thank you, (y/n)!" Sven calls back.

"See you, (y/n)." Train says to you, and winks.

And you did see him after that. You went on a date, and Rinslet was right about your guy's compatibility.

I actually didn't wait a week this time. I was feeling energized after shopping with my friends so I thought I'd update a chapter.

Next time Butterflyflies (^w^)/

Train Heartnet (Black Cat) X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now