Number 13 (Part One)

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You walk into the bar with only one thought.

Why now?

This thought was born from an over weight man the was at the bar and waving his hand around. "I'm Chronos Number thirteen! I demand I get my drinks free!" He "flexes" his arm with the very smudgy looking 13. The bartender rolls his eyes and hands him his drink.

You walk to the bar, and order a drink. You draw the attention of the fake Number. He sits in the stool next to you.

"Hey. Guess what?" He asks.

You glance at him saying nothing, knowing most people would take the look as a "leave me alone." Although he was either too moronic, ignorant, or cocky to notice. Probably a little bit of all.

"I'm part of the Numbers." He shows you his arm.

The bartender hands you your drink. You smile and thank him and hand him your money.

"Pretty cool, huh?" He adds on wanting a reaction.

You sigh and dip your thumb in your drink, and swipe at the numbers written on his arm. The ink that was in the track of your swipe rubs off into a smudge.

The man just gawks at you, and the bartender chuckles behind a hand.

"Does it feel nice to act as someone you're not?" You say. (As a cosplayer I have to say it is. Sorry. No more commentary. Lol)

He just turns away. The door swings open, and three people walk in. The poser perks up, and starts running to them.

"TRAIN!" he basically screams. If he were the size of the girl that was in the group, I'm sure he'd be lunging at them. You turn your back. You hear the man walking up behind you with the others, chatting happily. You hear him say, "And this is my girlfriend!" You ignore him hoping there is magically another girl behind you. You slap you face when you feel him tap on you shoulder.

You turn. The four look at you. You glare at the poser. "Look. Saying that I'm your girlfriend isn't going to make it so. All I know is you like to impersonate things you don't really comprehend."

His mouth flaps open. The man in the white suit just puts his face in his hand. The other one starts laughing. "Woodney, did you say you were the Black Cat again?"

Said Woodney, shuffles his feet. "I thought it'd be harmless."

You pinch the bridge of your nose. "That's not how it works. Impersonating someone always has its risks, even if they're not a Number."

"Well, here's the real Black Cat so I'm safe!" Woodney points at the one who laughed.

"I don't care if he's the Black Cat or the Blue Dog-"

"Blue Dog?" They look at each other confused.

"-I don't want anything to do with any of you." You walk towards the door when someone calls your name.

"(Y/n)!" This said person does lunge for you. You steady yourself as this person holds onto your neck from behind. You see purple locks of hair.

"Rinslet?" You look towards her.

"Long time, no see! How long has it been? Almost a year I'm sure!" She jabbers. The other four people are drawn over to you. "Sven! Train! Eve! Nice to see you! What a coincidence! Meeting up with some friends all in one place!"

"You meant for it." You say suspiciously.

"Of course not!" But her face and tone of voice says it was all planned.

"What do you need, Rinslet?" The man in white asks, suspiciously.

"What? I don't need anything, Sven. I want something though, and with all of you here, I'm sure we can get it." She grins.

"You want us to steal?" The man, by process of elimination is Train, asks.

"No, no. I'm not asking you to steal. You see, it's long a story, but I need these earrings-"

"No." You say.

"What? Why not?" She asks.

"Because you probably want them for yourself." You say.

"No! It's not like that! If you'd seen them, you'd see they are not my style." She fishes in her bag.

Okay. I'm gonna stop for now. I'm getting a headache, and am super tired. I'll be doing a part 2 for sure. This is just to hold off the guilt since I just said I'd update a chapter. So you guys are gonna have to wait a bit for part 2, but it will get done.

Bye for now (^~^)/

Train Heartnet (Black Cat) X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now