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Apparently, the fearsome Black Cat likes to cuddle while he sleeps. Which led you to the uncomfortable, suffocating situation you are in now.

He had flopped onto the bed you were sleeping on sometime in the night, and you woke up being hugged tightly.

Not even really hugged. More like wrapped around like a snake suffocating it's prey.

Your face was pressed to his shoulder and he used your head as a pillow, his arms were wrapped around your arms and pressed you as close to him as possible, and his legs were wrapped around your waist.

How he found this comfortable you do not know. You for sure didn't.

You did have a crush on Train for awhile now and did fantasize about being all romantic with him. Cuddling was one of the things on the list. This wasn't cuddling though. And it wasn't romantic at all.

In most works of fiction if the guys ends up somehow in the same bed while half asleep, the characters end up spooning all cutesy like. This reality wasn't like that at all.

"Train." You whisper, trying to free one of your arms. "Train, wake up."

"Mmm." You feel his lips move on you cheek. You fight a blush. And then drool came out of his mouth and onto your cheek.

You fight back a disgusted squeal. You didn't want to wake Eve and Sven up even if you were quietly crawling in your skin.

"Train." You whisper again. You free your hand and press it on his stomach.

He lets out a weird giggle you never heard from him before and a mumbled "it tickles."

You stop and he releases you and rolls over. Your eyes wide. You crawl off the bed and onto the spare cot brought in for Train.

You suppress a laugh. The Black Cat is ticklish. Something you would've never thought.

You fall asleep. Smiling.

I know this was really really short but I couldn't think of anything else and I felt like I had to post something. I don't know what or when I'll post next. If you have a request I will write and post it as soon as possible so feel free to request something.

Bye for now.

Train Heartnet (Black Cat) X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now