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This is another modern day chapter, but it's NOT a continuation of the first one. Some reason I was thinking of Blink-182's song First Date when I started writing this so I used it as my base.

Train comes up to your door. In his hand are roses. He nervously make sure the roses look nice and tidy before making sure he looked nice and tidy. He rings your doorbell. Train hears rushing around behind the door, and a "in a second."

The door swings open. It's not (y/n). Train's anxiousness went up thinking it was you, and went down realizing it wasn't you, and went back up seeing who it was.

"Hello, Sven." He says.

"So you're the mysterious date." Sven stares Train down.

Another man appears behind Sven. It was (y/n)'s father, and Train felt like a nervous high school boy like he'd never been on a date before. Seeing  (y/n)'s dad didn't help.

"So those flowers for (y/n)?" Your dad asks.

There's a little shove from behind them. "Com'n! Move!"

(Y/n) appears and he feels his anxiety actually diminish. You wore a (f/c) dress with a black cardigan. Your makeup was done, but lightly. Train thought you were beautiful. He couldn't stop staring. He nervously hands you the flowers.

"They're beautiful. Thanks, Train." You give him a smile. You run and find a vase and put water in it along with the flowers. You run back and grab Train's hand, pulling him away from Sven and your dad. "C'mon! Let's go!" Train follows you, not even trying to end the conversation he was in.

You both get in his car and he starts it up. "So... uh... You look beautiful tonight." He blurts and runs a hand through his hair.

You smile. Even though you and Train knew each other for a long time and were friends, you guys kept your love for each other unknown until one day Train got dumped and as a drunken mess, he declared his love to you. When he was sober, he had clarified he did in fact love you. You clarified you loved him back. This is your first date since that shindig went down.

You guys get to your destination, a restaurant. Train brushes his hand against yours as both of you head in and to your table. He does it again. Then again. You can tell it's intentional, so you grab his hand and lace your fingers together. You smile up at him and he blushes and tugs on his hair.

He slides into the bench across from you. He smiles at the waiter comes over with menus and ask for drink orders. You could feel his leg jiggling under the table. You both order a soda since you had another destination after dinner. When the drinks come, he chugs down his. The waiter instantly refile it.

"You need to relax, boy." You laugh.

"I am relaxed." He says.

You grab his jiggling leg with both of your feet. He instantly stops.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"It's annoying me." You say with a giggle.

He smiles back at you, and starts jiggling his other leg. You kick his shin. The waiter comes back for your food order.

You and Train order (f/f). As you both wait you make small talk about what has happened since the last time you guys have talked about anything but your date. Which was yesterday so it was short, but you managed to keep the ball rolling by talking about things you guys normally talk about and inside jokes. Train was trying hard not to make it awkward. Which only worked slightly.

The food finally came and you started chowing down as Train picked at it.

"If I'm the only one enjoying the meal, what fun is that?" You say. You jokingly reach over and grab a bite off his serving.

"Hey!" He exclaims. You giggle and he tries to steal some of your food which you fight him off. It becomes a war zone of you guys trying to steal the other's food. There was successful attempts and failed attempts, and attempts that lead to food falling on the table or the floor. You both were laughing impossibly hard. You guys get the bill and argue about who ways gonna pay and Train beats you to the punch. You both leave and head to your second destination, a party.

Train was less nervous, and just grabs and holds your hand. He continues to hold your hand as he drives and as you enter the party. Your friends find you. The hostess, Rinslet, teases you before she has to run to break up a dispute from evolving.

Train sticks close to you. There is music in the next room and people dancing.

"Train! Let's dance!" You tug his hand. He resists.

"Can I say no?" He asks.

You laugh and let go of his hand. "Guess I'll need to find some other guy to dance with."

He makes a growling sound and grabs your hand pulling you to the dance floor. He glares at all the guys who even glance in your direction and holds you hands as you two dance.

You finally get tired and pull him off to the next room. Rinslet comes back and talks to you and Train just stares at you as you speak. Every word sounded like the most beautiful thing and he's obsessed with being able to freely look and listen to your voice without being a weird friend.

Train grabs a drink of alcohol that Rinslet disappeared and reappeared with.

He watches you talk more. He really wanted to kiss you. "Dammit." He mutters and chugs down his drink. He feels it give him a light buzz.

"Wow. Go Train." She laughs. Someone pulls her away.

You watch her go and turn back to Train.

Just to be surprised when lips connect with yours.

You of course kiss back.

Rinslet reappears. "Jeez. I saw you guys kissing from across the room. It's been like ten minutes, chill out."

You both pull away, flushed. Apparently you both wrapped your arms around each other, which you were fine with staying like that. Train didn't make a move to let you go either.

Rinslet laughs. "I'll leave you crazy kids alone. Although, if you plan on furthering such an act, please find somewhere private to do it. I don't know how many couples I had to break up tonight and I don't want to see you two naked."

"Rinslet!" You squeak. You hide your face in Train's chest and you both start laughing when she walks away.

"I want to watch the stars." You say to Train.

And Train instantly starts moving the both of you to the door. You both get in his car and he start driving. You reach the park and pull the blanket out from the back of his trunk. This was not your first time doing this, but it was the first time you cuddled up to him so closely. It made his heart pound.

"I almost wish we can stay like this forever." He whispers, holding you close.

"Me, too."

Train Heartnet (Black Cat) X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now