Chapter 1

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Yey! New scholastic year is coming up. Seriously I don't know if I'm happy cause it's the last year or cause I'm gonna see my friends again. Yep, both of them.

At 7 I arrived near the bus stage as I saw Mandy, Vanessa, Raouia, Martha and Valentina.

"Veronica!" They began to shout.

I'm Veronica I'm 15 years old and this is my life. Welcome to my life.

They came to hug me. 

"It's been all summer since we saw you last."

We had a lot to talk about. The coach came and we continued talking. We arrived to school and we saw the others, and we had even more to talk about.

It's time for the assembly I hope I be with someone I know.

They began to call out the names and I'm with Raouia, Vanessa and Monica. 

"At least this year began well." I said

"Sure it is!" Monica agreed.

The first three lesson or better the form teacher session passed quickly and it's break time!

"I wish lessons will pass quickly as today." Amanda said.

"Believe me not alone." Martha agreed.

"Listen let's sign up for the football team." Mandy suggested.

No one wanted to sign up so she didn't sign up.

We continued our day. The first day is the only day I see it passes quickly, from tomorrow it will pass slowly.

That evening the classmates already made a facebook group.

I chatted a bit and I went out to meet Sandra my best friend. She's one year older than me and she's still with summer holidays. Lucky!! 

"Hey Veronica. How was your first day at SCHOOL?"

"Hey annoying person. It was great."

"That's good. My day was perfect on facebook all day relax , hearing some music."

"Nobody asked you."

"Well since you're my best friend I thought you would be interested in your friend's day."

Yes, our friendship is strange. Haha we tease a lot each other in a what other people say rough words but for us is nothing.

Time passed and believe me with Sandra time passes like a speed of light. Me and Sandra see each other every day but it's never enough cause we always have something to say. But I'm proud cause finally I have found a true friend.

That day passed too, and I'm exhausted.

Dreamland it is. I must say I'm going to bed with a big smile on my face.

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