Chapter 10

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My brother's voice woke me up. "Veronica! You're lover is on phone to talk to you!"

I jump out of bed and went to answer Sandra. Yes, Sandra called. My brother always teasing us, he's older than me but his brain in 10 years younger than me.

"Good morning." I answered with a sleepy voice.

"You just woke up?"

"To say the truth my brother woke me up."

"Sorry, I didn't know you were still sleeping."

"No worries. Me and Chris talked till 5 in the morning."

"Easy! How does it feel to call him Chris and not Sir Zammit?"

"It feels weird but on the other hand I don't know how I am going to address him."

"It's better you train your mind."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Imagine you're at school and you call him Chris or Baby Boo."

"Okay baby boo  won't happen for sure."

"For now..."

"About the Chris thing you're right. But I need to be confident for this weekend so he won't notice the student thing."

"Did he asked you something about school?"

"No, and I didn't asked him."

"It's better we keep that subject away this weekend."

"How's things with Mr.Caruana?"

"Great! I'm really loving the chats with him and now the moments too. He makes me really happy. Yesterday we chatted a bit than we both went to sleep."

"It's nice hearing this. I'm glad you're happy. Listen did you need something?"

"Yes, I phoned to remind you to talk to the others for tonight."

"Yes, I've sent a message before I slept. I told them that a last minute event popped up and we can not miss it. I told them we're really sorry."

"I hope they understand."

"No worries, they're my friends so that means they're friendly."


"No need." I replied with a laugh.

"I called for another reason, I was thinking to go to the Mall cause certain shops are on sale and I thought it would be great to buy something for tonight."

"Sign me in. I will take a breakfast, dress up and come for you."

"Just dress up and we eat something from there cause it would take you forever to get ready. Be at my home in 15 minutes."

"Okay, okay bye."

I turned on my Wi-Fi and I found a message from Chris.

Chris : Good Morning lovely, have a good day. Can't wait to see you. :)x

He's so sweet and have lovely character. Oh my! he sent me a kiss too.. While I'm getting lost in dreams and imagination I remembered his my teacher. This thing is killing me can't wait to talk things out.

Veronica : Good Morning Mr.Zammit , have a lovely day. I'm looking forward for tonight too :)

Should I put a kiss on it or leave it like that? Would he think that I'm not interested in him? But if I put on a kiss it would be more weird cause he's my teacher. After all he sent a kiss first. Huh I wish someone would tell me what to do! I think.. I would..

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