Chapter 15

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Sandra's POV

One of my school assignment is to visit a secondary school and help students develop their character, drama helps a lot. I was assigned to do this assignment at Veronica's school. So it's my time to surprise them. The three of them. I chose the fifth former's so they open up their characters for the changes they will find and to do something amazing for the farewell.

School bell rang and I saw all of them looking so serious for the assembly the Head Master told them about me but didn't told them my name. I chose Veronica's class first, but first the Mr.Vella wanted to talk to me to show me my staff room.

"Good Morning Sandra."

"Good Morning Mr.Vella"

"How are you?"

"I'm super excited."

"The students are really friendly and nice and even with the teachers you're going to get along well."


"This will be your staff room. Many teachers won't be here right now cause first lesson already began."

As he opened the staff room door..

"Good Morning everyone. This is Sandra.." As he introduced me and I entered the staff room I saw a hot P.E teacher, yes it was Ryan. "She will be with us for a while since she's doing a school assignment. I'm sure you're going to make her feel welcome. Good day."

Everyone said hey to me at introduced their selves. It's was Ryan's time.

"Hey, I'm Ryan Caruana a P.E teacher."

"Please to meet you. I'm Sandra a drama student."

"You can put your things here."

"Thanks. Mr.Caruana right?!?"

"Yes, but between us in the staff room you can call us by our  names."

"Thanks. I think I will go and talk to the first call."

"Do you know where?"

"No a treasure hunt will do." 

With a laugh he offered.. "Let me come and show you around."

We left the staff room.

"You and your friend have a really weird thing how to surprise people."

I laughed. 

"It's time to surprise the others."

"More time together now baby girl."

"Yes, I'm looking forward for it but I think it's better if no one knows that we're in a relationship I don't want to get transferred to another school."

"Of course. No worries about that. Now you can come with me every morning."

"Some us time in the morning. I love it."

He giggled.

"Where do you want to go first."

"Of course in Veronica's class."

"They're with Chris."

"I know." As I winked at him.

He knock on a class room door.

"Come in." Chris responded.

"Good Morning Mr.Zammit, here's a student that would like to talk to your class."

"Yes, she may come in."

As I walked near the door Chris's face what priceless. He was so surprised that it was like he saw a ghost and I walked in the class room and I could see the others face they were speechless especially Veronica. SURPRISE!! 

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