Chapter 5

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When we turned around we saw our headmaster Mr.Vella.

"What are you doing here?"

We were shocked.

"If you're not in the football team you cannot be here."

"We came to..."

"I don't care for today you can't be here." He said without letting me finish my sentence than he pointed his finger to leave and we left.

Break is over.

Everyone rushed to go to class, but there's me and Rebecca who are taking it slowly to class.

"OMG!" Rebecca said in a melting voice.

"What?" I asked curios.

"Who's that hotie?"

"Oh! My loving name... his so sexy."

"But not as sexy as the new p.e teacher."

"Of course not."

We arrived in class on time.

Wuhu one lesson to go! Mathematics time. I really hate mathematics.

Everyone in class is saying that we're having a new teacher. 

"Good Afternoon class. I'm Mr.Zammit"

OMG! It's the one that me and Rebecca saw in the corridor.

I'm starting to love mathematics.

With this hot teacher, mathematics passed quickly.

Home sweet home it is :)

I called Sandra to see if she's free.

"Hello this is Sandra speaking how may I help you?" She always finds something funny to say.

"This is Veronica and I want to see you now cause I have a lot to tell you. Today was hot guys day."

"Meet me at the park now."

That was our meeting place.

"So... tell me, tell me" Sandra said excited. 

"Well.." I told her everything till the least detail.

"You're so lucky!"

"I know right."

We continued talking and talking.. 

In a sudden I heard my phone ringing it was Raouia.

"Aaaaaaaaaa.. I have an amazing news to tell you!"

"So, tell me"


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