Chapter 9

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Ryan and Chris drove by us. We waved at them than..

Chris said "By the way Veronica..."

My heart stopped. Did he recognized me? Will he remind me to do his homework? In just 30 seconds million thoughts passed by.

"Yes?!" I replied in a shocking voice.

"Nice meeting you." He said with a smile and wink.

I was relieved.

"What did you think he will tell you?" Sandra asked me like she was in my mind.

"To say the truth my heart stopped I thought he recognized me. Now I'm scared for Monday cause First lesson is Mathematics and after the weekend his thoughts about the weekend and the people he spent the weekend with will be fresh."

"Just relax. Let's enjoy this weekend and than we'll see, but I must say, your teacher has a crush on you."

I blushed. Not cause Sandra told me that but the fact that my teacher though I was cute it's something weird. 

"Are you tried yet?" Sandra asked.

"No, not yet. Why?"

"This was the best night ever and I don't want to go to sleep cause right now reality is better than dreams."

"Let's go sit on that bench cause there's a free Wi-Fi."


We both switch on our Wi-Fi and Facebook notifications were getting crazy.

"I feel popular tonight all these notifications." I told Sandra.

"Me too. But the best notification is the one that Ryan heart it my profile photo."


"What are you going to tell the others for tomorrow?"

"I will tell them that something came up and we can't miss it."

"What if they ask what is it?"

"I tell them that I will tell them Monday."

"Do you think it a good idea to tell them about the teachers? In my opinion it's better to see Chris's reaction first."

"You have a point. I may tell them your side of the story in the morning and maybe later on I will let them my side."

"I think it's better that way. I know we're all friends and all  but a teacher likes his student is something big, even for his work."

"Oh My!!" I said while I was scrolling into the notifications and  friend requests. "Yes, you're right about this point I think I won't tell them anything Monday unless they ask me why I'm friends with Mr.Zammit on Facebook."

"But you're not friends on Facebook.. Wait a minute did he sent you a friend request?"

I showed her my phone and she started to scream with happiness. She took my phone and accepted his friend request.

"Hey, who gave you permission?"

"My brain."

"Well tell your brain to not be nosy parker."

"I think you're not flying with happiness right now!" She said with laughter.

"I'm thrilled."

*Messenger Tone*

"Oh! My  God!!!"

My heart ticked when I saw Sandra's surprise reaction.

I took my phone from her hand and when I saw that Chris sent me a message I was going to die.

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