Chapter 4

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It was Rebecca. She's our friend but tonight she's our annoying friend.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked in shocking voice.

She was barely to speaking with laughing. "I-I-I-" she continued to laugh "I'm here to scare you."

"Funny it's not Halloween." Sandra said.

"You're saying that cause you didn't saw your face." Rebecca said while laughing so hard.

"Okay you can stop laughing now cause you're gonna pee here." I commanded her.

But she didn't listen and she continued to laugh like a crazy person and have mental problems.

After she relaxed and cooled down she told us that she wanted to see us. 

"It's been long time since we met." She said in a serious voice this time.

"Yeah! It's been the best week ever." Sandra teased her.

"Why don't you shut up?" 

"Come on I'm joking."

"And I'm continuing."

We went to the park. This is where we meet and spend most of the time. It's like our place.

"So, how's your love life?" Rebecca asked.

"Oh! There's this guy, Marcus, who's so hot."  I said.

"I've been hearing about Marcus for a long time now." Rebecca teased.

"Shut up!"

"What about you Sandra?"

"Nothing! No one want to go out with an ugly girl like me. So, why do I have a crush on a boy for nothing?"

"Go buy a mirror and do a vision glasses." I said in annoying voice cause Sandra is a sweet girl and she doesn't need to be perfect so boys like her.

"I don't need a vision glasses cause my vision is good and I had a mirror but now it's broken cause of my ugly face." Sandra responded.

"You want a high 5 on your mouth?" I responded back with determination.

"No, thank you! But it's the truth." She said while moving back.

"No it's not your perfect just the way you are." And by the end of my response I gave her a high 5 on her mouth.

"Ouch! That hurts."

"You asked for it."

"Sandra, Veronica is right." Rebecca agreed.

"Name on guy that likes me."

"Zack." We both said.

"We've been friends since kinder and he doesn't like me we're just friends."

"Yeah! The way he looks at you is something different than the way he looks at other girls. There's a spark between you to." Rebecca disagreed.

"He looks at them differently cause he likes them."

"Shut up!"

The night continued with laughing and jokes and finally I'm home.

The night passed quickly and the alarm went on. He just hates my relationship with bed.

I did my hair, wore the uniform, ate a sandwich and went to wait for the coach.

"Good Morning!" Mandy said.

"Good Morning." I said in a sleepy voice.

They began to tease me. The coach came and continued to tease me this time with more people. We arrived at school more people teasing me. 

"I know I'm super pretty you don't have to tease me." I said to joke. I'm not a diva person.

"Straw?" Antonella asked me.

"No thanks I don't need it." 

The school bell rang.

Lessons began.

First three lessons passed.

Break passed too.

More lessons in front us.

But they passed too.

The second break it is.

We all met with a happy face on.

"Two lessons to go and home sweet home it is." Antonella said.

"Sure it is." Martha agreed.

"Listen, let's go see who's the new p.e teacher." Mandy said.

"I don't want to walk all the way to the other yard." I said.

"You're lazy girl. I heard he's cute." Mandy said.

"So, new p.e teacher it is. What are you waiting for?" I said with enthusiasm.

It was worth it to walk all the way to the other yard.

"He's not cute." I said disappointed. "He's so sexy." I said satisfied.

We saw a tall six-packed guy, with brunette stylish hair that compliments his brown eyes.

He was perfect!

"To bad he's not going to teach us." Monica said while melting.

"Maybe he will dance with us in the fifth former's dance." Amanda said while joining Monica by melting.

"What are you doing here?" We heard a familiar voice asking.

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