Chapter 8

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"Hey girls do you want a drink?" The barman asked us. "It's on the house" he continued.

We both agreed for another round. Let's face it we don't drive so it won't hurt no one.

*Sandra's messenger tone*

Ryan : Good to hear that :D x

Sandra : So, you have a photo of your friend so I can show it to my friend? ;)

Ryan : *Sent photo*

"Oh! My who's that hottie in the blue shirt?" I asked Sandra with a laugh.

"Hey I think I'm crushing on your P.E teacher."

With Sandra's sentence I was so happy for her because she deserves the best. 

Sandra : You look great ;) 

Ryan : Which one? 

Sandra : Both .. haha .. but I think the guy in the white shirt is more cuter :3 x

Ryan : I was hoping you would say that ;). So what about your friend so I can show it to Chris.

Sandra : Who's Chris?

Ryan : My friend.

"What are we going to do? They want a photo of us." Sandra ask me in a bit of panic.

"You look great honey."

"Thanks, but that's not the problem."

"Than what?"

"They're your teachers!"


*Messenger tone*

Ryan : If you don't want to send a photo don't worry.

Sandra : No, it's okay we're trying to take one good cause of the lights.

Ryan : I can understand that.

"Let's take a photo and then if they tell you something we play it like we didn't know that they were my teachers because they're new." I told her.

Sandra : *Sent photo*

Ryan : Both looking cute but the girl with the red top is 😍. My friend is telling me that your friends face isn't new for him.

"Oh My God! He recognized you" Sandra said in a panic mode.

"Relax he might not remember from where."

Sandra : Of course it's not new it's been on her for these past 15 years.

Ryan : haha. You have an amazing character and I like that :). 

Sandra : hehe, thanks. Maybe they talked some time.

Ryan : Did she recognized him?

"Oh! Hell yeah" I said to tease Sandra.

Sandra : She thought that his face isn't new but she thought that he looks like someone she might know.

Ryan : Who knows maybe one day we meet up and figure out were they know each other.

Sandra : That would be interesting cause now I'm curious.

"Like she doesn't know"

Than we broke into a good laugh until I said Krista. We used to be friends than we fought, after our fight she made friends with Sandra and they ended up fighting too. After that we became a really good friends. An enemy create an awesome friendship so we might thank her.

"Bitch alert" I announced to Sandra.

"But why? I was having so much fun!"

"Who said we're going to stop having fun?"

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