Chapter 16

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Football tournament final began.

Our team is playing really good. For now the score is 2 - 1. 2 for us.

The game finished with draw. It's penalties time.

Goal!! Our first one.

There goes the second.

The third for us and they missed it.

Goal and GOAL!!

We won the School Champions Cup.

Everyone started to hug each other. I wished to hug Ryan and congratulate him but I found Veronica and gave her a double hug. She did the same.

"I wish I could hug and kiss Chris right now." She whispered in my ears.

"Me too, but Ryan of course."

We laughed and celebrated with others.

Now that the Football tournament is finished we have to prepare and give our thousand percent on the play.

The play is on a hyper nun that came to town to visit her sister. She said at her sister's home with another nun. At night time she goes to this pub she used to go when she was a teenager. There her pasted boyfriend u still had a crush on her tried to impress her. She didn't wanted him back especially now that she's a nun but she liked the fisherman that was selling fresh fish at the open market. Now that her sister is going to have another baby she decided to stay.

It was full of comedy and songs that everyone sang along. They loved the play even my teachers who came to assign me. At the end of the play the students call me to join them on stage it was an incredible moment then they gave a bunch of roses and a same gift. I appreciated a lot and a happy tear drop, dropped from eyes, I wasn't expecting this.

"We would like to thank Ms.Sandra for her precious time she spend with us. She gave us courage to do this play and to write out our imagination. She was really nice to us and we're going to miss her. We wish you the best of luck in your studies Ms.Sandra." Veronica said for her speech.

I hugged her and thanked everyone.

"You did a great job. They loved you, you were meant for this career. Maybe we can talk to the Head Master for next year." My teacher told me.

I could fly with happiness.

"Thanks a lot Ms."

"You did an amazing job." Ryan congratulate me.

"You have a talented skills." Chris continued then he saw Veronica came over. "But you can an awesome main character drama queen."

"I take that as a compliment." Veronica answered,

She was the main character, the nun. Can you imagine Veronica as a nun? No, she would drive them crazy.

 Finally, the last day for the fifth former's arrived. During the farewell Veronica call out our friends to gather around.

"Guys these has been the best 5 years cause we found each other and you were honored to find me as your friend." Veronica teased.

"You were luck you found us." Amanda teased back.

"She was already luck cause she had me." I continued.

We started to laugh.

"But me and Sandra have a secret we've been keeping from you for a while but we couldn't do it another way round." She explained.

"What?!" Martha asked.

"We're really sorry but tonight you're going to understand why." I continued.

"But what's it about?" Rebecca asked.

We showed them our promise rings.

"Oh My God!! Who are they?" Mandy asked with surprising curious voice.

"You'll meet them tonight." Veronica continued.

The night arrived and we meet the others at the park. 

"Where are they?" Valentina asked.

"They're coming." Veronica replied.

In a minute the boys were near us.

"Hey girls." They said while giving us a hug from the back and a cheeky kiss.

The others was surprise and speechless.

"Guys, these are our boyfriends. Ryan and Chris also known as..." Veronica started then Monica interrupted. 

"Mr.Caruana and Mr.Zammit..." She continued while pointing at me and Veronica .. "The mystery girls."

We started to laugh.

"How long as this been going on?" Mandy asked.

"7 months and 1 week." I replied.

"You can calm down now. We're not your teacher anymore." Chris told them.

"Yes we can be friends now, but they couldn't tell you before cause of the authorities, cause a teacher building a relationship with a student is against the law." Ryan explained.

"Let's go for a drink so you relax a bit." Veronica suggested.

We went to the bar and told them the memories we made together and how hard it was for Veronica. 

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