Chapter Seven

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I woke up to see a bright light, I whimpered lightly in pain.

"She's waking up!" I heard someone state. I felt someone take my hand. I squeezed it lightly.

"It's ok hun, take your time. Don't rush" It was Juliet.

"Mum? Dad?" I questioned.

"We're here don't worry... The lads are here as well" Andy soothed. I opened my eyes a slice and moved my spare hand to my head.

"What happened? Did I pass out?" I questioned

"No. They put you to sleep because you was panicking because me and Juliet wasn't with you, then they took you to x-Ray and then you had an operation to repair your hip... Turns out you had chipped it quite badly" Andy stated.

"I didn't mean to panic... I hate hospitals. And when I was taken away from you two and I never saw you following I got scared..." I sighed.

"I thought you would be scared, I asked to go with you but they denied me. I thought you would panic because of the way you acted when I first said we need to come here..." I nodded shakily.

"But hey you still get an awesome scar from it!" I heard Ashley state.

"Eh... Is it big?" I questioned. They all nodded. I sighed. I moved my hand and skimmed my hip lightly, I inhaled sharply as the stitches started to sting. I ran my finger all along the forming scar. It was pretty big... Just then a doctor walked through the door

"Ah, Rebecca your awake! That's good to see... How are you feeling?" He questioned. I felt my chest tightening up. I squeezed Juliet's hand a little indicating that I was starting to panic.

"She's a little tired..." Juliet stated. I nodded shakily and I took some deep breaths.

"Are you ok?" The doctor questioned

"Mhm" I managed to say whilst nodded my head and biting my bottom lip hard.

"Ok well when your ready we can discharge you. We just have to get your crutches and you can be on your way" I nodded in response and the doctor left. Everyone came rushing over to me and hugged me.

"Was it that obvious..." I groaned

"No. We could tell because we saw you wasn't talking properly and because Juliet had to answer the doctor..." They all untangled themselves from me and Ashley threw some clothes at me. They had bought up my BVB jumper, black leggings, burgundy doctor martens and NTIO necklace. I shooed them all out so I could get changed. I started with my jumper because that would be the easiest part. I slipped my hospital gown off and put the hoodie on and shuddered slightly. I put the necklace over my head and positioned it just right. I dug my hands into the hospital bed and moved my legs so they where hanging off of the bed. I whimpered in pain but tried to ignore it. I slipped one leg into my leggings and shifted my bad one into it. A tear escaped my eye from the pain but I whipped it away. How was I supposed to get my shoes on if I couldn't move?

"MUM!" I called. Juliet's head popped through the door.

"Can I be of assistance?" She said in a posh British accent.

"Could you put my shoes on for me please? It hurts to bend or move my leg..." Juliet nodded and walked over to me and slipped them on and did them up.

"Have you been crying?" Juliet questioned and looked into my eyes

"Just from the pain when I was getting my leggings on that's all..." Juliet nodded and then we heard a knock at the door

"May I come in?" Andy questioned from behind the door.

"Yeah" we said in sync. Andy came in with a pair of black crutches. I sighed. Andy handed them to me and I took them and slipped my hands into the holes and wrapped my hands around the holder. I got up slowly and hopped along on my crutches towards the door. Andy opened it and I hopped out. We went towards the van and hopped in. I was in between Ashley and CC.

"Does it hurtttttttttt?" CC questioned holding the 't' for a while.

"A bit..." I sighed. Ashley saw I was a bit down and opened his arms. I obliged and moved the best I could to his warmth. He wrapped his arms around me and I slowly fell asleep next to him.

I woke up to see we was still on our way home, I was huddled into Ash and he still had his arm around me protectively. I moved slightly forgetting about my hip but then I was greeted by pain

"Ow" I hissed into Ashley's chest. I heard Jake giggle from the back

"Hush up Pitts" I hissed.

"Beef! Beef! Beef!" CC chanted. I moved my head away from Ashley's chest and looked up and him. He smiled at me and tasseled my hair. I glared at him. He smirked and unwrapped his arm from my shoulder and I moved the best I could back to my seat.

"Can we have the radio onnnnnnn?" CC questioned. Andy and Juliet giggled and flicked it on and Sleeping With Sirens - Who Are You Now came on, this song always had a soft spot. The lyrics described my life perfectly. I hummed along to the words.

"Made me hate my own reflection, question every choice I make so I could try to be perfect but I won't try and be a fake! So forgive me cause I really couldn't care less that this world has changed me... So you know when you ask me. Who are you now?" I sung to the words, they where my favourite lyrics because that's what had happened to me. Everyone has made me hate myself and question myself... And perhaps this world has changed me.

"Stop showing off with your singing skills mini Biersack" Ashley sighed

"Hey your good at singing!" I replied

"Not as good as you, if I hadn't known any better I would of thought you was Andy and Juliet's biological daughter. You have the looks of them and your voice is amazing just like there's!" I blushed slightly

"Thanks Ash, anyway everyone in this car is good at singing!" I declared.

"I'm not!" Andy stated.

"Andy. Shut up" we all said in time and then burst out laughing. I love this family!

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