Chapter Twenty-Eight

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All the lads came running into my room, I whimpered softly in fear and hid in my duvet.

"Rebecca it's just the lads don't worry" Juliet soothed. I whimpered and started to shake. I stayed under the duvet and cried.

"Rebecca, please don't cry. It's only us... We don't want to hurt you" Jinxx soothed. I poked my head out of my duvet and looked at them. They all came over and hugged me.

"Rebecca I want you to go back to sleep... It will honestly help you" Andy soothed. I nodded and closed my eyes. After 15 minuets I started to pretend to snore lightly. I couldn't sleep. Not after the state I was in and I wanted to hear what they had to say.

"We can't stay here" Andy stated

"Well what else do we do?" Ashley sighed.

"Police...?" Jake questioned

"They can't do anything..." Juliet sighed

"We will have to protect her then" Jinxx stated

"Or... No. No never mind" Andy sighed. I knew exactly what he was going to say. He was going to send me back... I rolled over and whimpered lightly so it looked like I was having a nightmare.

"Rebecca wake up" Ashley whispered shaking my foot lightly. I didn't open my eyes. Not yet.

"Rebecca... Wake. Up!" Ashley sharply whispered and shook my foot more. I groaned and rolled over. I opened my eyes and looked at the floor. I couldn't muster the courage to look at any of them... Especially Andy...

"Rebecca?" Andy questioned. I didn't reply.

"She heard us..." Juliet whispered to Andy. I looked at Juliet and Andy. Andy was biting his thumb nail. I sniffled and hid under my duvet covers.

"Rebecca can I talk to you..." Andy sighed

"No. Not really. You can't..." I tried to sound as strong as possible but I failed, my voice cracked at the end.

"No, please don't cry" He cooed. I heard the door open and close. I looked up to see only Andy here.

"What. What do you want then" I sighed going back under my duvet. He came under with me.

"I know you heard what we was talking about... I thought you had fallen asleep to quick... I know you heard what I said... And I didn't mean it... I promise" I turned, my back facing Andy.

"Course" I rolled my eyes, a single tear fell. Just then I heard my phone ding from a text. I grabbed my phone and ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I heard Andy run and bang on the door.

"Don't you DARE do this" He yelled.

I ignored him and opened the text 'I'm here... I'm inside... I see you.' I dropped my phone and sat in the corner of the bathroom. I looked up at my bathroom window and saw a silhouette of 3 boys. I whimpered lightly and backed into the corner as far as I could.

"REBECCA OPEN UP!" Andy yelled. Just then the window smashed. I screamed and curled into a ball. I saw Billy and his 2 friends by his side.

"Aw she's scared" He laughed.

"Go. AWAY" I yelled.

"I'll kill you then leave, yeah?" He had a gun. He pointed it at me. I whimpered and hid my face.

"Don't do this" I pleaded


"REBECCA WHO'S IN THERE!" I heard them all yell.

"Awe sweet, they can't get in!" He smirked. I started to cry. I felt behind me and felt my hand wrap around my hair dryer. I threw it and it hit the gun out of his hand. I got up and ran to the door, I unlocked it and a shot was fired just missing me. I pushed the door open and ran past them all, down the stairs and out the door. I opened the car door which was luckily unlocked. Everyone piled in. I curled up into a little ball and started having a panic attack.

"Andy drive! I'll sort her out. Go to Ben's!" Ashley hissed. Andy set off fast.

"Rebecca..." Ashley tried to touch me but I closed in tighter around my legs and dug my nails into my legs and shook my head.

"He's not going to hurt you. He wants to help" Jake soothed. I felt my chest getting tighter by the second. I wheezed and gasped for air. I moved over to Ashley and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Just calm down. You're safe now. Just take deep breathes, yeah" He whispered. I nodded into his chest. Just then I heard someone calling someone. The phone was on loud speaker then I heard Ben.

"Andy?" He questioned

"Yeah erm Ben... Can we crash at yours? Something's happened and we've had to leave the house..." Andy stated

"Sure erm what happened may I ask?" He questioned

"I'll explain when I arrive. Be there soon. Bye"

"Yeah... Bye" He disconnected and I cried into Ashley's chest. He rubbed my arm soothingly.

"Just take deep breaths" He whispered. I did as I was told, the car pulled to a halt and everyone pilled out. Ashley picked me up bridle style and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Oh god no... What happened" I heard Ben.

"Let's go inside" Juliet suggested. We went inside and we sat on the sofa, Ashley passed me to Andy and I sat next to him, my head buried in his chest his hand soothing my hair.

"Billy got in... I'm not sure what happened but there was a lot of screaming and shouting and a gun shot went off..." Andy sighed. I shuddered at Billy's name.

"Oh my god..." Ben whispered. I sniffled and moved my head so one eye was visable. Ben was looking directly at me with worry in his eyes.

"I-I'm fine... D-don't worry B-Ben" I stammered. Andy hugged me tighter.

"I'll get some drinks, Jake care to help me?" Ben questioned. Jake and Ben got up and walked to the kitchen. I moved around in my chair and hugged my knees, I sniffled and rubbed my eyes.

"You ok?" Jinxx questioned

"Yeah. Thanks for the support" I smiled softly.

"Your part of the family now, we will suport you all the way" CC smiled. I nodded. Just then Jake and Ben came in, they handed out beer's to all of the lads and Juliet and Ben handed me a diet coke. I smiled softly.

"Thank you" I weakly stated. He ruffled my hair and I giggled softly.

"Rawr!" Ben made his impression of a lion face. I laughed and made a lion face.

"That's my face" Jake pouted. I giggled and he pulled his famous 'lion' face. I opened my can and took a little sip.

"Danny and Cameron are coming over tomorrow at 8am just so you guys know. I'll text them saying you guys are here but i won't say why if you don't want" Ben looked at me. I shrugged.

"I don't mind" I smiled softly. I yawned and I felt my eyes getting heavy, I leaned against Andy, I felt my can being lifted from my hand. I heard Ben coo. Andy stroked my hair lightly and Juliet rested her hand on my ankle, I closed my eyes and let sleep come upon me. I needed sleep.

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