Chapter Thirty-One

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I woke up to a pain in my chest, a pain that kept growing. I tried to get comfy but nothing was working. I whimpered lightly in pain, Jinxx looked at me.

"What is it?" He questioned, now everyone was looking at me. I motioned to my chest and whimpered again. I curled up into a ball and cried in pain a little.

"I'll get a doctor" Jake stated and hurried out. I felt someone take my hand, I looked up and saw Juliet.

"Mum" I smiled.

"I'm here" She whispered, she ran her thumb over my knuckles which made me smile. Just then a doctor walked in, I looked at Andy and bit my lip in pain. He stroked my head lightly and hushed me.

"Rebecca we'll need to take some blood, you'll feel a sharp pain in 3,2...1" The doctor stated. I felt the needle pierce my skin. I creased my nose a little.

"We'll now have to see how your wounds healing up..." I nodded slowly. He took my top and slowly lifted it halfway up. A lot of bad memories suddenly came back about Billy. A few tears fell from my eyes. I removed my hand from Juliet's and hid my face. I felt my bandages being taken off. I started to think he was Billy. I moved my hands away from my face and looked at Andy. He took my hand and tried to calm me.

"They're healing... But faster than expected that's why it's hurting" The doctor stated and re-bandaged them and left. I then broke down in tears.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Juliet questioned.

"M-memories-s." I stammered.

"Oh hun don't think about him, please don't" Andy sighed. He hugged me. He pulled away and sat on my bed. I sat up and sat cross-legged. Juliet sat on the other side of my bed.

"Why'd you think about it? Did he trigger you when he was looking at the wound?" Jake questioned. I sniffled and nodded. I then looked and noticed Asking Alexandria had gone. I pointed to where they had been.

"Concert" They stated. I made an 'o' shape with my mouth and nodded.

"I want to g-go home" I sighed. Andy wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him.

"We know. We want to go home as well..." He sighed. I rested my head on his chest and hummed lightly along to Overture. Jinxx was amazing when he did that piece, it is honestly so amazing. I saw Jinxx look at the ground and smile softly. I smiled.

"Mini Biersack. Mini, mini, mini Biersack" Ashley sung. I raised an eyebrow and laughed at him.

"Strange Purdy. Strange, strange, strange Purdy" I sung back. Everyone laughed. Just then my phone started calling, it was a FaceTime from... Ben? I clicked accept.

"Ben?" I questioned. He smiled and turned the camera to the crowd.

"1! 2! 3!" Danny screamed

"GET WELL SOON LION!" The whole crowd chanted. I heard everyone coo in the room. Ben turned the camera back on him.

"Be back to the hospital after the concert! LOVE WO!" He then disconnected. I was smiling like crazy, I laughed a little. I felt my eyes watering and I started to cry with happiness.

"Awe! That's so sweet" Juliet stated. I nodded and opened twitter.

"The Asking crowd are amazing! Thanks for the get well wishes!!" I tagged all of AA in the tweet and sent it. I then locked my phone. Juliet hugged me and I hugged back

"I love you, you know that right" She whispered

"Of course I know that. I love you more though" I laughed into her ear.

"Fight me" She whispered.

"Car Park. Me, you... 6pm" I giggled. Juliet laughed. I pulled out my phone.

"It's 8pm. 2 hours late" I giggled.

"What are you guys on about?" Andy laughed.

"Nothinggggggg" Me and Juliet said, we both laughed.

*1 hour later*

We was all singing along to New Year's Day but was interrupted by the Asking Alexandria lads bursting in.

"FUCK SAKE DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT" CC yelled. I giggled lightly. I looked at the AA lads and the tears came straight back to my eyes.

"You didn't have to do that you know!" I sniffled.

"Ben's idea!" They all pointed at him. I giggled.

"Hey, what can I say" He shrugged. I smiled and he walked over to me. I hugged him.

"Thank you, you can't even comprehend how happy I was when you did that!" I sniffled.

"Oh Lion, it's ok" He pulled away and we both smiled

"I don't look like a lion right now... My hair is flat!" I stated. He ruffled my hair

"Now it's not flat. Now you're a lion!" He laughed. Everyone laughed.

"How was the concert?" I questioned

"Amazingggg!" Danny sang in his amazing voice.

"Good, good!" I smiled.

"Oh... Our agent saw a picture of you and wants you to model for my clothing range and the bands clothing store" Ben stated.

"Me? Are you sure he meant me?" I questioned shocked

"Why wouldn't he mean you, you're stunning!" Juliet stated. I shook my head.

"I'm not, but if they want me to do it then sure... Course I will" I smiled.

"Sweet!" They all chanted. I giggled and looked at my wrist to see I had a hair band. I pulled my hair back and put it up in a messy bun, my top layers falling from the bun because they where to short. I pushed my short layers up so they had volume.

"The blue looks so cool!!" Cameron stated

"Thank you Cam!" I smiled.

"Hey, you still heaven't done my dread for me" Juliet pouted.

"I'll do it when we get home, I need some things from home" I giggled.

"Show the dread!!" Sam said with excitement. I decided to just take it out from the bun. I showed him.

"Woah! That's so cool!" They chanted. I smiled.

"Thank you" I blushed.

"Oh... Rebecca how would you like to meet my mum and dad? Your new grand-parents?" Andy questioned

"Sure... Will they like me though..." I bit my thumbnail.

"Of course they will! They'll love you!" I blushed

"They'll be down this way tomorrow, they know we've adopted but they don't know what gender, how old etc" Andy stated. I nodded

"Wait. I'll still be in hospital dad..." I sighed.

"Yes, I know... We will just say it wasn't your fault... They'll understand" Andy stated. I nodded and buried down into my bed.

"Awe is lion going to sleep" Ben cooed.

"Yes I am Mr.Bruce" I smiled and grabbed my phone, I put my headphones in and played Black Veil Brides - Wretched & Divine album. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep with a smile on my face. For a change.

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