Chapter Thirty-Three

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*Rebecca's POV*

I heard muffled yells in my room. I couldn't open my eyes though? I heard people running around? I tried to speak but nothing but a whimper came out. I tried to move my arms but nothing apart from fingers would move and even then they would only move slightly. I flexed my fingers the best I could, the room fell silent.

"She's coming back!" A doctor yelled. Back? Back from where?

"Get Mr.Biersack and Miss.Simms!" Another doctor yelled. Where were they? Surely they would be with me? By my side, right? I heard someone run out of the door.

"Rebecca, we need you to open your eyes for us... Can you do that? Or speak?" A doctor questioned. I couldn't speak nor open my eyes, I could just hear and move my fingers slightly. Just then I heard the doors open.

"She's in a comatose state... She can hear and slightly move her fingers. She is still in critical condition so she's not out of the water yet, we'll leave you with her for a bit" The doctor stated

"Thank you doctor" I heard Andy state, his voice was raspy and croaky. Like he had been crying? They took a hand each and sit down.

"Rebecca never scare me and your mum like that again!" Andy chuckled. What did I do? DAD!!? What did I do!!?

"I just want to hear your voice so badly right now, your perky little sweet voice... It always put a smile on my face. I love you so damn much Rebecca, I wish you could speak to me" She sighed. MUM!!? MUM I LOVE YOU TO! DAMMIT BODY LET ME WAKE UP!

I moved my fingers slightly and tightened my grip on their hands. I heard Andy chuckle.

"That's it hun!" Andy chuckled. Just then I managed to whimper a little. I loosened my grip on there hands.

"Rebecca?! That's it you can do it" Juliet stated.

"M-mum d-dd" I stammered. I tightened my grip on there hands yet again and heard them chuckle.

"We hear you hun" Andy cooed. Just then I heard the door open and close.

"Oh, Ben. Cam" Andy stated.

"Hi, the doctor said we could come in because we was here when she flatlined..." Ben stated. I heard chairs being moved around the room.

"Woah, she looks so... So... Not here" Ben whispered sharply.

"I-I am..." I stammered weakly.

"She spoke!" They all stated. I whimpered lightly in pain and tightened my grip on Juliet and Andy's hands. They brushed there fingers over my knuckles.

"Can she hear us?" Cameron asked

"Yeah, she has little movement in her hands to... Here" I felt my hand being passed to someone.

"Say who it is" Andy stated.

"Lion, it's Ben" Ben chuckled, I squeezed his hand lightly and I could sense him smile. I felt my hand being passed again.

"It's Cam..." Cameron stated. I squeezed it but not hard, I started to loose control of both hands. I tried to squeeze Juliet's but it wasn't working. He passed my hand back to Andy. I could only hear now... I couldn't move, nor speak.

"Rebecca? Sweetie? Squeeze my hand?" Juliet stated, obviously seeing that I couldn't do that anymore. I tried but it wasn't working.

"Can she hear us?" Ben questioned.

"Yeah... All coma patients can still hear... I think something's happened" Andy stated, fear in his voice.

"I'll go get a doctor" Cameron stated and I heard the door open then close.

"Rebecca, sweetie. Can you show us any sign that you can hear us?" Juliet questioned. I tried to move my hand or at least make a noise but nothing happened. DAMMIT BODY LET ME MOVE FUCK SAKE BODY! I heard the door open and heard some people rushing around. I suddenly saw a bright light in my right eye but nothing in my left.

"Her pupils blown" The doctor stated. I felt a needle jab into my hand. I felt some liquid flowing into my body.

"Change her drip to a stronger dosage" A doctor stated

"Stronger? Are you sure Dr.Clegg?" Another doctor questioned

"Why wouldn't he be sure?" I heard Andy question.

"A stronger dosage is incredibly dangerous for a girl of her age, if we put the dosage she needs on she will have a 40% chance of waking up from her coma... But if we don't give her the dosage she will die..." The doctor stated. So basically I'm going to die anyway? FAB!

"Give her it... She needs it" Juliet and Andy sighed. I felt the tube being taken out of my hand, it was soon replaced. I suddenly felt a great deal of pain coursing through my body. I heard my heart monitor getting faster and more rapid.

"Is that normal!?" Ben questioned a tad freaked out.

"It should calm soon, her body is trying to accept the dosage" The doctor tried to calm Ben.

"How will we know when her body has accepted it?" Cameron questioned.

"Her back will arch, her body will jolt or her fists will clench" The doctor stated. I heard the door open and close and then the room fell silent

"The doctors just left thats all" Andy whispered. I suddenly felt a surge of energy shoot through me causing my back to arch slightly. I felt someone wrap there arms around my waist and i heard someone crying. It took me a while to realise that this was Juliet. What has happened to me? To us.


I got up from my seat next to Becca and walked to the end of the room, I went on IG and opened the camera, I took a picture of Becca with Juliet crying on top of her. I captioned this post.

'I would never wish death on someone, but when someone has done this to my daughter and put her at the lowest chance of survival, it doesn't just effect her, it effects me, Juliet, my dad, mum, the lads, the members of Asking Alexandria and you guys. We may not be able to preform because of this... Hate all you will but no amount of hate can reverse what has already been done to this family. In this photo you can see my beautiful daughter on the verge of death with the love of my life crying over her. This is all because of one boy, and a black eyes isn't enough punishment for me'

I walked over to Juliet and hugged her at the side.

"Babe, she'll be just fine" I kissed her forehead lightly. "Everything will work out just fine" I whispered. I looked at Rebecca's frail body, I placed my hand on her leg and traced her knee with my thumb. "Just fine..." My voice cracked at the end. What has happened to her? To us.

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