Chapter Eight

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We pulled up outside the house and everyone clambered out. Andy walked round and helped me out. He picked me up softly and carried me towards the house. He was so caring. All of them were

He placed me on the sofa gently and sat next to me. He pulled me close to him and hugged me. I yawned into his side, why was I so tired? Juliet sat on the other side of me and smiled. I smiled back.

"How come your so tired lately?" Jinxx questioned

"I'm really not to sure..." I replied. I yawned again and rubbed my makeup less face.

"Wow I look like shite right now don't i..." I sighed

"Why say that? I personally think you look fine" Ashley said. I shook my head

"My hair is matted and my face is just blegh... Talking about hair does anybody have a razor comb I could use?" I asked. My bottom layers had started to get thick again. My hair is layered. It's short thick layers at the top and then my middle layers which are quite thick and then my bottom layers which are really thin.

"I do" they all chanted.

"All of you? Wow..." I stated

"You can use mine... It's very pretty!" CC said in his girly voice.

"What's you definition of pretty?" I questioned

"PINK AND FLOWERS AND HAPPINESS!" He shouted in another girly voice and got up and skipped around the living room

"Next thing you know he'll be calling himself a lepricorn" I muttered so everyone apart from CC heard. Everybody apart from him smirked at me, I giggled lightly to myself.

"Sit down before you hurt yourself you fool" Jake laughed. CC jumped on the sofa me, Andy and Juliet were on. He jumped onto Andy's lap.

"GAY AND PROUD" He yelled and wrapped his arms around Andy's neck and hugged him.

"Is he usually like this?" I whispered to Juliet. She nodded and rolled her eyes making me giggle.

"So what, one of my dads bestfriends is gay? So your like my gay uncle or something..." I stated. Ashley burst out laughing on the couch.

"Mhm sister!" CC pouted and got up flicking his hair and walking back to his chair dramatically. Ashley recomposed himself.

"Your really funny..." Ashley laughed

"Unintentionally" I stated. He rolled his eyes and I smiled.

"Lies" he said and stuck his tongue out

"Don't stick your tongue out at me Purdy" I hissed. He smirked and raised an eyebrow at me. He then blew a raspberry at me.

"No" I hissed

"what are you going to do?" He laughed

"I won't do anything... However I can't promise that this lot won't..." I smirked. His eyes got serious just then CC, Andy, Jinxx and Jake pounced on Ashley. Me and Juliet burst out laughing. I heard Ashley laughing a lot. They where tickling him. I smiled. They all clambered off of him. He was very red now.

"I swear mini Biersack if you wasn't injured right now..." He scolded

"What? What would you do to poor innocent little me?" I pouted slightly.

"Don't do that face..." He stated, blushing slightly.

"Why?" I moaned

"It's cute... And if it's cute then I feel bad if I attack you" He sighed.

"Well then" I pouted even more and made puppy dog eyes.

"OK FINE!" He laughed. I smiled.

"Talking about injuries... How's your hip?" Jinxx questioned

"It's ok, a bit sore but it's ok" I replied.

"Want some paracetamol? It will help ease the soreness..." Andy questioned. I pondered and then nodded and smiled. Andy raised from his seat and walked towards the kitchen and then disappeared around the corner.

"Rebecca... How would you feel about going to a public school?" Juliet questioned. My mouth went dry and my eyes started to water. I dropped out of public school after being bullied. I was verbally bullied and physically.

"Oh.. Erm... I" I stammered. I rubbed my eyes quickly getting rid of any forming tears. I sniffed

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ashley soothed.

"Oh... Nothing... Erm yeah public school would be find I suppose" I replied.

"I know your lying... You can say no. It's your choice. We can pay for a tutor if that's easier..." I shook my head

"No... That would cost a lot of money. Public schools fine... Honest!" I tried to sound convincing. Just then Andy came back round the corner with some tablets and some water.

"Couldn't find any paracetamol so I got some aspirin instead. They will make you feel sleepy and as your already drained you will probably fall asleep..." I nodded and took the 2 small pills from his hand and the glass of water from his other. I popped the tablets in my mouth and took a gulp of water and swallowed. I had a bit more water then placed the glass on the table in front of me. Andy sat back down and I made my way over to him and leaned into his side. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I slowly nodded off to sleep.

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