Chapter Six

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I checked the time on my phone and saw it was 10pm. Batman had just finished and we was all sitting around in the living room eating, well except for me. I couldn't eat that stuff. Way to many calories in it... I unlocked my phone and went on Twitter, I searched Ashley's profile and found it and I clicked on the picture he uploaded of us earlier and I saved it. I then went off of twitter and clicked on 'whitagram' and placed the photo on and then clicked 'send to IG'

'Hi guys, as you all know I've been adopted by Andy and Juliet. I never asked to be adopted by them I was chosen and I am super grateful for that. But I am not in anyway taking Andy and Juliet away from the army. That will never be my intention. I hope you guys can accept me into the family for who I am and not what I'm made out to be. So don't leave comments saying I'm stealing them for attention because I'm not and never will. They are as much yours as they are mine. Bie!'

I posted the picture and I started to get a lot of likes and comments. Some where nice saying that they accepted me into the family and that they understand that I'm now there daughter but others where mean. Telling me to kill myself and to slit my wrists... I sighed and locked my phone. I'm going to try my best to not let hate get to me...

"I'm tired... I'm going to bed..." I stated. They all got up and gave me a hug each and Juliet and Andy kissed me on the forehead and I went up to my room. I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling just then I saw a clap of lightning outside and a huge roar of thunder followed then the rain came plummeting down. I smiled and walked over to my window, it was one of the ones where you can sit on it because it's padded. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head against the glass. I watched the storm for a couple of hours until I heard my door open. I looked at my door to see Andy standing there.

"Can't sleep?" I questioned

"Nah, storms keeping me up... I thought you would be sleeping" He said softly. He walked in and closed the door quietly and made his way over to me and sat opposite.

"I don't sleep when there's a storm, I love storms... I don't know why I just do..." I sighed. Andy nodded. I placed my head against the glass again and pressed my hand against the window. I traced my finger downwards following the trickling water. The window was cold but soothing. I then saw a camera flash and looked at Andy who was typing something... Just then my phone vibrated on my bed. I looked at Andy and furrowed my eyebrows. I got up and walked to my phone. I unlocked it to see Andy had taken a picture of me and posted it on Twitter

'Storms keeping me and my girl awake, she seems very intrigued by storms and dark things, just like her dad' I smiled at the photo. It was a pretty good photo of me. I saved it to my phone and retweeted the tweet. Andy had also posted the picture on Instagram. I walked back over to my seat and sat down. I grabbed my black hello kitty pillow from the floor and hugged it close to me.

"Ashley picked that pillow... Obviously" Andy laughed.

"Well durr this is Ashley Purdy we're talking about here! And let me guess CC got me the pug plush toy..." I laughed pointing to the huge toy pug in the corner of my room.

"You guessed that right! Andy laughed. We both looked at each other and smiled.

"Andy... Why me? Out of everyone at that care home why me?" I questioned

"Oh we knew from the very first time we saw your picture in the booklet it would be you, you looked like the kind of girl that would fit right in with this family and you did, plus you like batman..." He stated

"No I hate batman" I sighed trying to hold back my laughs

"Wat" Andy said in weird accent

"You heard me Biersack" I stated, biting on my thumb trying to keep back the giggles.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah! Nobody can hate batman, ever, ever, everrrr! You understand mini Biersack" I just sighed and rolled my eyes. I suddenly felt extremely tired and within a matter of minutes I had drifted off to sleep... Andy soon following.

I woke up to see that Andy had gone, I looked outside to see it was morning. I rolled off of the window ledge on landed on the floor with a bump. I cussed lightly to myself, my hip was now really hurting. It was agonisingly bad.

"Ah fucking hell..." I hissed. I attempted to get up but the pain was to much. I reached in my pocket and pulled out my phone and bought up Andy's number and texted him

'Busted my hip... In a lot of fucking pain... Help!' I sent the iMessage and it soon came up as read and I heard someone running upstairs, my door suddenly flung open and Andy ran over to me.

"What did you do?!?"

"Rolled off of the ledge and landed funny on my hip" I moaned. Andy lifted my top up abit and moved my shorts down just so my hip was showing, he grazed it with his finger and I winced in pain.

"I think I'll need to take you to the hospital..." Andy sighed. I shook my head violently.

"No. No! Uh uh... Not happening Biersack!" I almost yelled

"You've busted your hip, you might've broken it. Please we need to get you checked out..." I sighed realising I would have to go one way or another. I nodded reluctantly. Andy carefully picked me up bridle style I whimpered in pain. He carried me downstairs, my head buried in his neck trying not to cry from the agonising pain.

"Juliet we need to take a trip to the hospital..." Juliet's head quickly whipped round and she bolted over to us

"What happened? Why? Is she ok!?!" She asked a bit shocked

"Busted her hip from falling from her window ledge, I think it's broken..." He touched my hip lightly and I screamed into his shoulder and started to cry in pain.

"Yep ok we are going now!" Andy and Juliet said in sync.

Andy rushed over to the car, trying not to move me about to much because of the amount of pain I was in. Juliet hopped in the back and Andy placed me on her lap gently. Juliet put the seatbelt on and I tried to stay as still as possible on Juliet because of my hip. Andy drove to the hospital, trying to avoid any bumps in the road. We reached the hospital after a while and Andy got out of the car and picked me up off of Juliet's lap.

"Ow ow ow" I hissed in pain. Andy apologised and rushed inside with Juliet close behind. He ran to the front desk and soon enough I was taken on a stretcher. Andy and Juliet never followed though... Wasn't they aloud? I don't want to be on my own! I can't be without one of them!

"No... No. I need one of them here I can't... No!" I protested. I started to panic. A mask was put over my mouth. We stopped and a team of doctors surrounded

"Everybody got a bit each? Ok... 1... 2... 3!" I was shifted onto a bed. I inhaled sharply in pain. I felt a needle jab into my shoulder

"Rebecca, let's see if you can count to 20... Ready count with me" I sighed

"" Then everything went black.

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