Chapter Ten

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"It's been 40 minutes... She could be dead!" Juliet panicked.

"I'm sure she's not, let's knock again..." Jake insisted. He walked to the door and knocked and it slightly opened. Jake looked at us and pushed the door open. We ran in. Nobody was here...

"REBECCA!?!" I yelled. Ashley and Jinxx ran into the bathroom but she wasn't there. I looked on the bed to see Juliet sitting with a piece of paper in her hand

"What's that?" I questioned. She shakily handed it to me. I read it and handed it to the lads

"What does it mean?" CC questioned.

"I'm not sure. But I don't have a good feeling about this... I will go and look for her" I said.

"No. Let me mate... When you lot where still sleeping me and her talked about her scars because I saw her faded thighs and she showed me her arms... I think she would trust me more right now..." Ashley stated. I looked at Juliet and she nodded. I sighed and look Ashley dead in the eyes

"You find her, and bring her home. Unharmed. Am I clear" I stated. He nodded and ran out. I took out my phone and called her. Answering machine. I tried again and again... Nothing. I was getting more and more worried.


I ran out of the mansion and ran out onto the street. I looked down the street. I looked towards the forests and decided to look there first. I sprinted all the way there. I walked in between the tree's. Looking everywhere making sure not to miss anything.

"REBECCA!" I yelled. Nothing. I ran further into the woods when I saw a girl sitting at a log slouched over with her fist clenched around something. Her feet in the water.

"Rebecca. Is that you?" The girl tensed at my presence. It was her. I ran over to her and grabbed her from behind and picked her up.

"NO ASHLEY GET OFF OF ME! IM NOT FINISHED YET!" She yelled. I saw blood trickling from her palm. I dropped her and seized her hand. I tried to unclench her fist but her grip got tighter around the object.

"LET. GO. OF. ME. I. SAID. DONT. COME. LOOKING!" She spat. Her eyes where bloodshot and makeup stained her face. I released my grip from her and she pulled away. She stood up and walked towards the water and sat down just by the start of the water.

"Can I..." She raised her hand

"No. I don't want you here" she hissed.

"Ok... I'll leave. Be back in 30..." I lied. I walked away as she watched me. When I was out of sight and her back was turned I ran behind a tree. I saw her hand open. Blades. Her hand was stained red with blood. She threw them into the water and screamed. I couldn't see her like this. I ran over to her and grabbed her.

"GET OFF OF ME" she cried. I pulled her close to my chest. She fell to the ground and wailed. I kept my arms around her a eased her. I got out my phone.

'Woods. Now! By the lake... But be quiet when you arrive. You need to see her..." I sent the text to all of the lads and Juliet. The message came up as read but there was no reply.


"I'm sorry..." Was all I could say. Just then my phone vibrated. I looked at the text.

'Juliet refuses to stay put. She will come over to you... Be prepared' Andy said. I sighed

'Ok. Only her coming over... She isn't to good...' I sent back. I heard a twig snap behind us. Rebecca was now alert. She looked at me dead on in the eye


"It's only your mum... Nobody else" I soothed.

"I DIDNT EVEN WANT YOU HERE. I WANT TO BE ALONE. CANT YOU SEE IM IN PAIN!" She yelled into my face. I looked at her hand, the cuts from the blades where deep. And it was my fault...

"We need to get them checked out... Rebecca these are serious" I stated. She rolled her eyes.

"I. Don't. Give. A. Flying. Fuck!" She spat. She pushed me off of her and hugged her legs. She faced her back to me and looked into the water, the blades glinted in the fading sun.

"I WANT THEM BACK!" She screamed and moved towards the water. Just then everyone came from behind and grabbed her and pinned her down.

"NO! GET OFF OF ME!! PLEASE" She pleaded. Her eyes where shut tight and her breathe quickened. I pushed everyone off of her and sat her up. I picked her up in my arms and passed her to Andy...

"Get her to the car now..." I stated. She was about to have a full blown anxiety attack... We speed walked to the car. Andy had Rebecca held close to his chest. She was sobbing uncontrollably. I hated seeing her like this... We where already so close even though we had only know each other a few days... We reached the car and I jumped in and a Rebecca was placed on my lap. She was freezing.

"Mate she's cold as ice..." I stated. Andy looked at Rebecca then me then the road.

"Let's get her home and into bed..." Andy stated. I took my jacket off and wrapped it around Rebecca's trembling body.

"Rebecca breathe... Everything's going to be ok" CC soothed from behind me. She nodded into my chest and sniffled. We pulled up outside the house and Andy came round and picked her up with the jacket still around her freezing body. Rebecca clung onto Andy as if her life depended on it. We went upstairs and placed her in bed. Me and Andy pulled the duvet over her fragile body.

"Get some sleep... you will need it. Your very weak. Have a nap. We will make some food" Juliet suggested and lightly kissed Rebecca's forehead. She nodded and snuggled down into her bed and closed her eyes. I felt so sorry for this girl. She's been through a lot...

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