Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I was sitting in the corner of the room with James, Ben and Ashley. Ben wouldn't stop apologising... We was waiting for our food to come.

"Ben. Stop apologising. I'm fine honestly... It's not your fault" I sighed

"But...." He started but I inturrupted

"Ben. I'll get James to beat you up" I sighed

"Lion wouldn't do that" He whimpered

"Would to" I smirked

"Ok I'll stop! Just please don't get James on me!" He wrapped his arms around himself for protection, I giggled softly. Just then the bell went.

"FOOD" Danny and Jake yelled. The darted like greyhounds towards the door and flung it open.

"How about not scaring the delivery man and getting the food like normal people?" I giggled

"Shut up" Danny pouted. I laughed. They paid for the food and closed the door. We moved the chairs right back and made a huge space on the floor. We sat down in the middle and handed out the food. Ashley decided to put on Motionless In White.

"FUCK YOUR BENEFITS!" We all yelled in time with the song. I had been given some rice and curry sauce. I didn't each much. I was trying to keep restricted now... I can't gain weight. Not again.

"Aren't you going to eat anymore?" Cameron questioned. Andy heard the word eat and looked directly at my food and then me.

"Erm, nah... I'm not to hungry..." I stated. Andy kept staring at me, tracking my every move.

"Excuse me" I stated. I darted upstairs and ran into my bathroom, I locked the door and started being sick. I pushed my palms into the seat and was sick again. After I was done I sniffled and sat with my back against the shower door.

"Rebecca. Are you okay in there?" CC questioned.

"Yeah, just fine..." I sighed.

"I'll get Andy" He stated.

"NO!" I yelled but it was to late he had gone. Moments later I heard Andy.

"Hun, I know why you're in there. Are you okay? Can you let me in? It's just me..." I sniffled and crawled to the door and unlocked it, I moved back to my place and Andy came in, he walked over to me and picked me up.

"Too much?" He questioned. I nodded a little.

"Ah shit, sorry hun" He sighed.

"It's ok... I'm fine honestly" I felt him smile softly causing me to smile.

"I love you hun, you know that right?" It was more like a question...

"Yeah I know dad. I love you as well" I smiled. He put me down and took my hand, we walked out and sat on my bed, he pushed my hair out of my face and I smiled lightly.

"You're so precious, and i swear to protect you with my life no matter what it takes everything will be fine in the end. Nothing will come between our family. Nothing... I love you so god damn much" Andy hugged me and I hugged back, we both cried with each other. I pulled away and dried his eyes.

"Dad you don't cry usually..." I giggled

"That just shows how much you mean to me" He kissed my forehead. I smiled.

"Thank you for everything... I owe you and Juliet so much. And the lads" I stated.

"You don't owe us anything... Being alive is everything we need" He stated. I smiled.

"Are you feeling better?" He questioned.

"Yes thanks for coming up... I suppose I should thank CC..." I giggled. Andy took my hand and we ran downstairs, I laughed. Andy picked me up and threw me on CC.

"Fuck" We both hissed.

"ANDREW DENNIS BIERSACK" We both yelled. He smirked I shifted off of CC and sat next to him.

"Thanks for getting Andy... Turned out I had to talk to him... We had a little heart to heart" I stated. CC hugged me lightly.

"Are you feeling ok? Was you in the bathroom y'know to..." I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah..." I smiled sadly.

"Awe, promise me you'll be ok though... I don't like seeing you sad or hurting in anyway. Promise CC... Promise me" He looked at me. I nodded. He smiled and hugged me, I laughed into his shoulder. He got up with me still in his arms.

"CC!!!" I shrieked. He laughed and started running around.

"CC... Mate she will bite your head off. She's a lion... With blue and black hair. But still. She'll kill you" Ben stated. I snarled in his ear and he quickly dropped me and ran to his seat. I laughed and got up from the door.

"I'm going to bed" I announced.

"Already!!?" Everyone questioned

"Yes already" I sighed and slowly made my way upstairs. I took out my oversized Yashin top. I stripped off and pulled the top on. I walked into my bathroom and put my hair into a ponytail. I took my makeup wipes and removed my makeup. I washed my face and dried it off. I yawned and turned out the bathroom light and walked out closing the door behind me. I waddled over to my bed and jumped in. I put my phone on charge and plugged my headphones in, I put them in and put on my sad playlist. I slowly drifted off to sleep...


I was awoken by my phone bleeping and illuminating my whole room. I groaned and saw I had a text I opened it and my mouth went dry.

'Well. It's been a week. I gave you the fucking choice you ugly skank. You took the chance and blew it, looks like it's my turn. Enjoy your last hours...' I dropped my phone to the ground causing my headphones to fall out. The phone made a loud bang on the floor. I huddled into my sheets and sobbed. Just then my door flew open and Andy and Juliet came running in.

"Rebecca... Shh it was just a nightmare" They soothed

"No... It w-wasn't. Look at my p-phone. He's c-coming" I whimpered. Andy looked on the floor and picked my phone up. He read the text and ran out yelling at all the lads to wake up.

"Mum I'm scared" I cried. She pulled me close to her chest and rubbed my back

"Everything's going to be just fine. I promise.... Everything will be just fine" She whispered

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