Chapter: 4

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I wake up. My back hurts. 3500 is gone. I pass out.

I am standing in a white room. Am I dead? I have no idea. 3500 stands near me, she has wings on her back, they are white and made of feathers. '3500, where are we,' I ask. She just looks at the floor. The farmer enters through a door that I hadn't notice before. He takes 3500 by the hand and leads her away. 'Wait!' I call but they don't stop. I try to follow them but it's like my feet are made of lead.

I look over my shoulder and notice that I have wings just like 3500's. The tips of my wings turn red, they glow. The red glow is spreading across my wings. I touch them with my finger tips. They are hot. The tips of my wigs move like liquid changing from red, to orange, to yellow. Smoke drifts up and I realise that my wings are on fire. A bucket of water sits on a table near the door. I try to get to it but my feet are still stuck to the floor. I look back at my wings, they are engulfed in flames. The pain is excruciating. The red glow spreads onto the rest of my body, I feel like I am standing on the sun. I try in vain to get to the water but I can't lift up my feet. The fire has spread all over my body. I can't see anything, flames cover my eyes.

I am awake. I'm not dead. I still feel like I'm on the sun but the pain in my back has subsided to a dull ache. I try to open my eyes but they feel heavy and stiff.

'Is she going to live,' I hear the farmer say.

'Yeah, no thanks to you. Those cuts are going to scare,' answered a strangers voice. It was deep and husky, must be a person, not a woman.

'I know it was stupid. With scares like that her value will drop a few hundred. No one wants to f*ck a scared woman,' the farmer replies. My value, what does that mean?

I try to force my eyes open but they only get half way.

'Look, she is waking up. I told you she would live,' says the stranger.

I open my eyes all the way. The farmer is here, he's not wearing his hat. The other person has short white hair and a worn face, he is wearing a long white coat with the buttons done up to his chin. I look around and notice that I'm not in the shed. I'm in a white room, lying on a soft table with a thick, warm pice of fabric covering my body. 'Bed' I don't know where the word came from but I suddenly understand that I'm lying on one. I am lying on a bed.

The person with white hair comes towards me with a needle. 'This is going to help you with your fever, ok?' the man says. His voice is soothing and for no logical reason I trust him. He pokes the needle into my upper arm before leaving the room with he farmer.

I am sick, scared and probably far away from 3500 and my shed. A single tear rolls down my cheek. My vagina is warm and wet. My arm feels like it is made out of lead but I manage to lift it up. I take off the blanket and look down at myself. I am completely naked. A drop of blood slides from my vagina onto a gathering pool on the bed. I've got 'it'.

No, no, no, no, nooooo! This can't be happening.

My first thought is hide 'it' from the farmer and the person with white hair. I can't do that though, 3500 got whipped for trying to hide 'it' and why would the farmer take me out of the shed if he didn't know already? A strange thought comes to me; I have no idea what happens now, they might kill me, toucher me or they might do something nice. Maybe they will take me to 3500. All I know for sure is that I won't be going back to the shed and neither will 3500. Getting 'it' could be a very good thing. I go to sleep with no idea what will happen tomorrow.

Hey! I know this chapter isn't very good. I hope it the next one will be better. Please vote and comment! I'm not going to update until someone reads this. 💜 Clara

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