Chapter: 8

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I have been bought, not by Auction but at an auction, a place where things are sold. The reminder is like a slap in the face, I may be cleaned and allowed outside but I am still nothing more than an object.

The elderly person who now owns me walks up to the stage and puts a strange contraption over my head. It is a steel ring that fits tightly around my neck, thick bars wrap around the sides of my face to stop me from moving my head. He clips a lead to the back of the ring.

'Mouth, open,' he says, his voice is harsh and precise. I open my mouth and he puts a small ball into it, chains on either side of the ball attach to the edges of the steel contraption.

To say that I am uncomfortable is an understatement, I am almost choking, I can't move my head and my mouth is already getting sore from being forced open. The man leads me outside. I walk behind him and am forced to look at him. His hair is greying and cut short, he is taller than the farmer at about six foot four, he is wearing a black suit the fits his broad shoulders and slim waistline perfectly.

We arrive at a long black car with tinted windows, a person wearing a uniform and an odd hat opens the door and the person gets inside, I follow. I feel the car move under me at is starts the journey.

'Time to establish some rules, from now on you will be known as 6969 because you are 6969th woman to ever be in my factory. You have a very special number so I need you to be perfect, to reach that point you must complete some training first... But I'll get to that later. You must address me as master and you must do anything any man asks you without hesitation. If you break any of these rules you will be severely punished.'

I flash back to the whipping the farmer gave me. I have a feeling that this man is capable of much worse than that. The person - I mean Master is glaring at me. He reaches across the seat and slaps me, my face stings but I stay silent. 'Pay attention to me! I asked you if you understood,' he snarled.

'Esh, Masca,' I say, the ball in my mouth makes it hard for me to speak.

Master reaches over agin and I think he is going to slap me again but instead he takes the ball out of my mouth. Having my mouth free feels amazing.

'6969, again,' Master commands.

'Yes, Master,' I manage.

Master tuns to stare out the window. The contraption on my head forces me to look straight ahead. I close my eyes and imagine I am back home at the farm with 3500.


Master leads me out of the car and I see a huge brick building, there are letters on the front in this order, Welcome To Our Woman Factory but I don't know what it means, I can't read. Master is holding a long black piece of fabric. He puts it over my eyes and ties it behind my head. I feel his cold hand on my shoulder pushing my forward.

'Walk', he instructs.

I do as I'm told, Master holds onto the poles on either side of my head and uses them the steer me. I hear the door to the building open, we walk for a long time and all I hear is shuffling and breathing. I don't know if the breathing comes from people or women. We turn another corner and Master pushes me. I fall to the ground.

'Don't move,' Master commands.

I hear a door close. I don't dare move a muscle for fear that Master will hurt me. With my constricted face on the floor I wait, and wait, and wait.      

I hope u guys like this because it will probobly won't be able to update for the next few days. If you like this (or if you don't 😉) then please vote and comment! 💜 Clara

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