Chapter: 7

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This is a warning that there will be some exclamation marks in this chapter!

The car comes to a stop all to quickly. The farmer opens the door and stops inside with the whip in his hand and his hat on his head. 'Ok, 4999, I don't want to hurt you but I will have to if you don't do what I say. Do you understand?' The farmer asks as he slowly walks towards me. I move back until I hit the end of the trailer, it is starting to feel very small.

'Do you understand?' The farmer raises his voice.

'Yes', my voice comes out as no more than a squeak. I remember his hands on me and am petrified of what is to come.

The farmer reaches forward and grabs the rope that still hangs around my neck. 'Turn around,' he demands, obviously enjoying my fear. I turn slowly and try to stand up taller. I flinch away from his touch as he rubs a cool liquid over my cuts. Surprisingly, it doesn't hurt. I breathe in a shaky breath as he moves his hand over my butt and onto my vagina. He rubs me teasingly before ripping out my tampon and tossing it onto the ground. 'It's time to go,' he says with no emotion.

I follow him out of the trailer, there are cars and buildings everywhere but no grass and no animals. The sky is dull and the whole place is dead. The farmer leads me up a flight of grey concrete steps and into a building. Inside it's loud and busy. There are people and beautiful women everywhere! A muscular person blocks my view, he is tall with rich, dark hair and a rough chiseled face, he is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! 'Lay on the table and spread your legs,' he says sternly. I look at the farmer. 'No', he says, 'I have kept her virginity for sixteen years. I'll be damed if I let her lose it now.'

'You idiot, I need to check if she is a virgin. No one is going to bid for her if they're not sure,' grumbles the person, he is clearly getting frustrated. The farmer looks embarrassed as he nods at me.


 I slid onto the table and spread my legs. The person's breath tickles me as he looks at my vagina intently. The farmer's eye travels over a woman with enormous breasts. While the farmer is distracted the person flicks his tong over my opening. Warmth floods through my body.


 'Ok Sir,' the person says professionally as he straightens, 'everything checks out. Well done, not many farmers could have kept such a beautiful woman a virgin for so long.' The farmer smiles smugly, I feel proud too, for some reason I feel like the complement was directed at me as much as it was at the farmer. The farmer steers me away from the man and towards a curtain, his hands are rough on my still tender, naked flesh.

'Go and stand on the circle in the centre of the room. Stand-up straight and stay still. If you don't I will get very angry.' I shiver as I remember the last time I made the farmer angry.

The farmer takes the rope off my neck and pushes me forward. I step tentatively behind the curtain and walk towards the circle in the middle of the room, no one else is here. Why is the farmer so worried about how I act if there is no one here to see me? I don't know but I'm not going to disobey just to find out. I hold my head up high, push my chest out and step onto the circle.

For a long moment nothing happens. I stay perfectly still. Suddenly light and sound stream down from above, I resist the urge to look up. Straining my ears, I hear music and people shouting. The circle I am standing on slowly moves upward, towards the harsh light and ever increasing noise. I close my eyes tightly as fear consumes me. What will my fait be? The sound is almost defending. I can make out a person's booming voice amongst all the noise, 'The next woman is a beautiful sixteen-year-old virgin. She is six foot tall, has pale skin, rare red hair and large breasts.'

Although I am terrified, I don't want these people to know so I try to keep my face blank as I open my eyes. I now stand in a bright hall full of people sitting in rows. Their eyes sweep over me as if I'm worth nothing more than a rotten pellet. 'Okay, I'm looking for $1,000, okay, now give me $3,000, $4,000, come on Sir she's a bargain at $4,000. No? Okay, $3,000 going once, going twice–'

'$50,000,' an older person yells.

The first booming voice continues,'$50,000, going once, going twice, sold to the elderly gentleman at the back.'

Hello you beutiful people, I am so sorry that this is late! I've been really busy for the past few days and will be for the rest of the week so I don't know when I'll have another chance to update. Please vote and comment I love you all!

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