Chapter: 6

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The farmer leads me (by the rope still attached to my neck) outside. I have never been outside before, at first the harsh sunlight blinds me but I quickly get used to it. Everything looks so beautiful. The sky is a bold shade of blue with a few fluffy clouds dotted around. The grass is a rich green and full of bugs minding their own business. A bright yellow butterfly with hypnotising black dots flutters passed. There are four buildings, the large crisp white one we just came out of and three equally sized rusty buildings. One of those buildings must be my shed. I have no idea which one it is. Somehow the thought frightens me. How do I not know which of these three buildings I have lived in my whole life?

The farmer leads me onto a trailer that connects to an old white ute. I am sad to say goodbye to the outside world, I may never see it again. He ties me to the inside of the trailer before getting into the ute and starting the journey. The trailer is very nice, it is about two meters by one meter, it has four walls and one small window. The roof is high, I can almost stand up without bending over. The ground is covered in thick, soft hay and in one corner there is some water.

I have a quick drink, the water feels cool and refreshing. I sit by the window and gaze at the beautiful world flashing past. There are so many things I have never seen before, trees, animals, roads, fences, grass and sky. Even from the dirty little window I am looking out of the sky seems to go on forever. When I was a little girl 1593 used to point at the sky through a crack in the roof and tell me that it was so big that it cover the whole Earth. I believed her because 1593 was different from the rest of us. She came to our shed when she was seven and she knew a lot about the outside world. I wonder which part of the world I will go next. I could be going to a dreadful farm with no food, dirty water and mean women. But why would the farmer have clean me up so well if he didn't want to impress someone?

Oh. No. I know why the farmer cleaned me up, so that I could be eaten! No one wants to eat dirty food, and I know that it happens to some girls. Could my fait really be so terrible? The farmer said I am going to Auction to be sold. I don't know what an auction is but I know what sold means.

Someone is going to buy me, to own me, to eat me. I am never going to see the farm or 3500 again. but there is a chance that I am not going to be eaten. I could be going to a place better than the farm. Who am I kidding? The food, sleeping area and farmer might be better but no one could be better than 3500. I would pick death over living without her. I have an idea, it is probably just wishful thinking but it could be true! 'Auction' might be a farmer. Maybe, just maybe, Auction bought 3500 too.

I know not a lot happens in this chapter but hopefully I will update tomorrow! The next chapter will be more exciting. Please vote and give feedback I'm sure this story will get a lot better if I use your feedback and ideas! 💜 Clara

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