Chapter: 12

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I wake in the morning with an empty stomach, it grumbles at me, demanding food, but I haven't got any food to give. I sit with my back against the wall and listen to the rhythmic scratching of a mouse. I thought about what happened yesterday, I'm sure that he got angry because I took the lead, but he didn't try to stop me until I tried to put his penis inside me. Is this not allowed? I need to make it up to him. When David is angry with me my heart feels like it is too big to fit inside my chest and my stomach is tied up in knots.

'Hey, 6967,' l say, needing a distraction, 'tell me another story about love,' my voice wavers on the last word. The mouse stops scratching.

'Honey, what's wrong,' she replies, sounding a little out of breath.

'Nothing's wrong, I'm just bored and I want to hear a story.'

'Your always bored.'

'That's not true! I won't be bored if you tell me a story. Pleeeeeeeeeese!' I beg. 'Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please with cherries on top!'

'Just tell her a story so she shuts up,' demands a harsh voice from across the corridor. It must be one of the girls who has been chosen, I must have really annoyed her for her to talk to us.

'Fine, I'll tell you a story,' 6967 says in defeat. The mouse starts scratching again.

'A few years ago, when I was eleven, I had a friend who was fifteen, she was number 5696. To begin with she seemed like a completely normal girl, she talked, played, ate and slept just like the rest of us but as time went by I noticed that she started acting strangely every time the younger of our two farmers came near. She would stick her chest out, suck her tummy in, batt her eyelashes a million times every minute and she even lost the ability to talk!'

'As you can imagine, this strange behaviour frightened me but more than fear I felt curiosity so one day I worked up the courage to ask her about her symptoms. "5696", I said, "why do you act so wiredly around the young farmer?" She told me that she was in love with him, apparently her heart grew every time she saw him and she felt sick to the stomach. I didn't believe her for a second! Love can't happen between a farmer and a woman. It's just wrong, wemon can only love other wemon or girls.'

'I kept my eye on her at the next weigh in, I wanted to know what was really going on. As her number was called 5696 stood on the scales. The younger farmer came over to check her weight, "Girl, that's the most beautiful piece of ass I've ever seen," he said while slapping her butt. Her face went bright red and she looked up at him to say something but all that came out was, "l'm a- I'm-I'm-I'm in-I mean I-I-l'm a- I'm-I'm-I'm in lo." 

I laugh out loud, 'That can be true! You must be making it up.'

"It's not funny at all,' 6967 protests but I think I hear a smile in her voice. She continues, 'I felt really sorry for her, she was obviously really embarrassed by her condition. The farmer did nothing about it At the time but the next day but he started watching her all the time, maybe it was because of her condition or he just really liked her ass. She did have a beautiful behind, it was big and round and well, just perfect.'

'6967,' I interrupt, 'can we get back on topic please?'

'Yeah, sorry Sweetheart. So then she started to get into trouble a lot but she was always punished by the young farmer and never infront of us. He took her away to do it and I think she liked it! She never told me about it but she always came back trying to hide a smile, and she wasn't stupid, I'm sure she wouldn't have behaved so badly so often if she had no reason to.'

I wait almost a full minute for her to continue, but she dosen't. 'What happened to her? I ask.

'It's a sad ending. Same as what happens to all of us, on the same day that the young farmer stoped coming into our sheds she left. She had climbed one of the walls in our shed and was caught by the young farmer and punished. She must have gotten 'it' durring her punishment because she never came back. I didn't even get to say goodbye.'

'Dame', I say, 'that is a sad ending.'

                            ************The Next Evening**************

We sit up after we have cleaned each other, my skin is wet where David kissed me. Today we went slow, it was the best class I've had so far and I don't want it to be over. I pant and David does too as he holds me in his arms. I look into his eyes and find that he is looking into mine. The whole world slows down and the only things I can see are David's beautiful eyes. They look like a sea of green water with tiny golden rocks floating on the surface. My heart seems to expand in my chest and I see David in a new light. He is perfect. I can't flaw him. He leans forward, too slowly, so I meet him half way. Our kiss is different, soft and gentle. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his wast without breaking the kiss. His hands hold me up. David pulls away from me and whispers into my ear, 'Darling, I love you. I have loved you ever since I laid eyes on you at the auction, I convinced the master to buy you and I begged to be your teacher, because I love you.'

My heart explodes inside my chest and I finally understand, 'I love you too.'

Hey guys I'm back! I'm so sorry thins took so long but if you forgive me then please vote and comment. Love you all! Bey


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2016 ⏰

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