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I'd like to point out before you read that the story doesn't follow either TVD or Twilight canon to the very last detail. Some things are different because they fit better with my story that way ❤️ so if it's not for you then that's okay! Happy reading  ~ Lou_Louxoxo

 Some things are different because they fit better with my story that way ❤️ so if it's not for you then that's okay! Happy reading  ~ Lou_Louxoxo

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(Her ring ⬆️⬆️⬆️)

My teeth hurt. In fact, they ache. Badly. There's too many people sat around me, too many different voices, convocations, too much blood. I knew I should've eaten before leaving Mystic Falls, like Caroline had suggested, but I was going to be late for my flight if I had stopped to eat. I thought I could handle it.

I am not handling it.

I swear if I have to sit in between these two people any longer I might just rip their throats out in front of the entire plane full of people. I can imagine it now; screaming, mayhem, chaos.

That wouldn't be entirely beneficial to me, though. The only reason Stefan even considered letting me leave was because I promised to lay low and not draw attention to myself. Getting arrested would definitely do the opposite of what I told him I wouldn't do. Then he'd come out here, and drag me all the way back to Mystic Falls and I'd have to listen to him drone through another lecture about the importance of protecting our secret.

Fuck protecting the secret. I'm immortal now. I'm not going to die. I'm going to live forever. I won't ever age, I won't ever get sick. I'm fast, so fast the human eye won't see me move, and I'm strong. I won't get fatter, or taller.

And I'm beautiful.

My skin is flawlessly pale, and my eyes are brighter than before my change. My hair is silkier, and my eyesight completely repaired — enhanced even. After so many years of trying my hardest to be pretty, now I don't even have to lift a finger to be beautiful. I just... am.

Of course I'm not going to be stupid enough to tell my father any of this, because if I do he'll never let me near his home town. Especially as chief. Caroline says that since my dad is chief he'll be able to give me some sort of protection if he were to find out about my... complication. But I won't risk it. He'd probably stake me himself.

And then there's Bella. Precious Isabella Marie Swan. God, the last time I saw her we were sixteen and she was climbing aboard the flight to Washington. Mom was in tears, obviously. Her favourite child was going away to live with her ex husband, the horror.

Bella and I have never really got along. We did when we were little, I suppose, but as we grew up she decided it was easier to make friends when I wasn't around and I decided it was easier to ignore my un-Bella-ness when I wasn't with her. So we stayed away from each other mostly. When we were together, we didn't speak to each other. I was jealous of her, and she despised me. She was the favourite, she was everything to everyone. Everyone loved her, even though she couldn't even start a conversation with a fucking hamster. And I was the... disappointment. The hindering bad smell. The one nobody liked to acknowledge.

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