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DAMON'S POV: (didn't expect that did ya? 😉)

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DAMON'S POV: (didn't expect that did ya? 😉)

I should've left without telling her. Should've waited till she was busy, and slipped away. I shouldn't of dragged it out like I did, shouldn't of had a conversation. It's not like anything I could of said would've mattered. She tries to hide is so we'll all the time, but for gods sake she was hurt when she realised I was leaving. She was hurt. I just made it worse.

But I couldn't physically just leave her, my brain was telling me to but my heart... I just couldn't.

She's mad, I can tell. I could feel her rage from where I was stood. The fury in her eyes when she looked at me before I kissed her forehead. I don't blame her. I've been by her side for the past few weeks, hell I've been sleeping with her since the day I got here, and now I'm leaving like it meant nothing.

I'd just like to clarify that it did not mean nothing. I don't have the words to describe how much it meant.

She doesn't understand. I'm not going back for Elena. It hasn't been about Elena for a long time — since before Elena told me she loves me. I'm going back for my brother, and I won't be gone long anyway. He needs to understand that Elena is just confused, that it isn't me she wants — she just thinks she does.

But nothing as ever hurt as much as the defeat in Eleanor's eyes as she realised I was going back. Not Katherine leaving, not dying, not the betrayal of my brother. Nothing. I know I have to do this for him, for his happiness, but o can't help but think there won't be an Eleanor to come back to after I'm done.


Eleanor's POV:

It's been a week since Damon ran back to Elena, and as petty as it is, I've been dodging Caroline's calls. It's ridiculous, and I'm sure I'll feel bad about it later, but she's sort of responsible for Damon's leaving to go back to Elena.

Argh. Elena. I don't think I've ever disliked someone so much in my life, and I'm related to Bella, so that's saying a lot. I'm not even sure why I hate her so much, I don't have the energy to figure it out, but I just have this bubbling hatred for her that I cannot seem to get over.

"Ellie! Ellie is Damon on his way yet?"

No, Isabella, he is not. He's following around Elena Gilbert like a love sick puppy.

Alright, so maybe I didn't tell Bella that I no longer have a date to her wedding. But! In my defence! She'd have told Alice and... Well... I value my life. Well, my undead life.

Of course today would be the worst day to tell my darling twin sister about that miniature detail considering it's the day before her wedding. She's getting ready to go over to the Cullens place, special request of Alice. Some sort of hen party — Bella style. Quiet, private, and small.

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