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"Dress shopping?"

"Yes Caroline, dress shopping." I roll my eyes at Caroline's surprised tone — slightly insulted if I'm being honest — as I shuffle through my scarves.

"You agreed to go dress shopping."

"Yes Caroline. I agreed to go dress shopping." I glance down at what I'm wearing and try to figure out which scarf will go better with this coat.

"And you weren't forced. Traditionally tortured." She says it likes it's a complete impossibility, "You're telling me you willingly agreed to go dress shopping and there wasn't any sort of blackmail involved?"

I pull the red scarf from the closet, "That, my dear friend, is exactly what I'm telling you."

Caroline and I have been on the phone for the past hour and a half. Apparently she had big news — Elena, Stefan and Damon type news — and I just had to know about it because it would be a global catastrophe if I didn't find out. In return for her gossip, I told her about what happened with Bella and the maid of honour thing.


I roll my eyes, "Why is the idea that I could do something girly like go wedding dress shopping to keep the sister I don't like happy so surprising to you?"

"Are you sure you heard a word of what you just said?" Damon's voice suddenly graces my ears, and my eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"I can hear the Demon. Why can I hear the Demon?" I ask, dropping the scarf in my hand on my bed and shutting the closet door.

I can hear Damon laugh from here, and Caroline gulps (I can hear it through the phone it's that loud), "I may of..."

"Tell me you haven't had me on loud speaker this entire time." I say, listening to a car pull up in the driveway. I go over to the window and look down.

"I didn't have you on loudspeaker this entire time." Caroline repeats happily.

"Caroline." I growl as I watch Bella's friend Alice — I presume this is Alice — bounce her way up to the front door and knock. Her steps are surprisingly silent, and her breathing is practically non-existent. Weird.

"Alright. We're going over some stuff about Klaus and I wanted to talk to you so I put you on loud speaker so I can do both." Caroline confesses. I roll my eyes, listening to Bella open the door and greet her friend — it was Alice, I was right.

"Yeah yeah, where have you guys got on that anyway?"

"Nowhere." Elena says through the phone.

"Well, we figured out that Klaus likes to carry his family in coffins around with him. If anything we can use that as a bribe." Stefan suggests, and I can hear paper shuffling through the phone.

I also hear Damon chuckle as he adds, rather sarcastically, "Nothing like a bit of family loyalty ay brother?"

I hear Bella and Alice getting ready to leave downstairs, so I wrap up the conversation. The last thing I need is Bella's friend being all pissed off with me. I've got enough to deal with, and that's just with Bella.

"Look I have to go, Bella wants to leave. I'll call later or tomorrow." I tell them, wrapping my scarf around my neck with one hand and holding the phone with the other. I had a bag of blood this morning so I should be good for the rest of the day on the hunger problem.

"See you later Ellie." Caroline says.

"Have fun dress shopping Fire Starter." Damon chuckles down the phone, voice dripping with sarcasm.

"One time." I mutter, but he hears and laughs anyway, "Behave Damon."

"Me? I'm an angel!" He protests just before I hang up and shove the phone into my pocket.

I walk downstairs, and into the hallway where Bella and Alice are chatting between themselves. Alice is quite beautiful, with her clear skin and beautiful brown eyes. Her hair is short and spiky but it suits her well. She looks sweet and innocent. Easy to get along with. There's something about her though: something I just can't put my finger on: that doesn't seem right.

"Hey!" Bella grins at me as she sees me standing there, her nervousness from yesterday completely gone, "Are you ready to go? I was going to come up and get you but you were on the phone."

"Yeah, sorry about that. Friends in Mystic Falls." I say to her.

She shakes her head, "Don't worry about it. This is Alice."

Alice holds out her hand a huge grin on her face. I take her hand, smiling politely. Her grip is tight. Tighter than a girl her size's should be. The coldness of her skin shocks me momentarily, and I take a few seconds to recollect my indifferent posture. I don't show my shock on my face, instead forcing myself to smile at her like nothing is wrong.

"It's great to meet you! Bella's told me so much about you. It's wonderful to finally meet the Maid Of Honour!" Alice grins, throwing a playful glare at Bella — who rolls her eyes.

"It's good to meet you too Alice. I'm afraid I don't know much about you!" I tell myself to relax as I feel my panic rising. I continue to act as though I'm completely in the dark about her. As though I don't know what she is.

Strong. Un-breathing. Pale. As cold as if she's a corpse. Unbelievably beautiful. Impossibly.

I scold myself for not have realising the second her car pulled up to the house. For not recognising the scent. For not paying enough attention. How could I have missed this? It was staring me in the eyes since the moment she got here and I didn't see it until now. How didn't I see it? It's so obvious, so blatant. I should of seen it, I should of been more careful. Why, oh why, didn't Stefan warn me about this?

Alice is a vampire. Not the same as me, I don't think. Different. Since I can maintain a normal body temperature so long as I have a healthy diet of blood, and she's freezing. I can't remember the name for them, Tyler told me that Klaus was interested in their species but I can't remember the fucking name.

"Let's go then shall we? Rosalie is meeting us at the store, she has to get something on the way." Alice says, her chipper voice irritating me a little as she opens the front door and starts for her car.

How the fuck am I going to deal with this problem?

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