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I never imagined being in Mystic Falls as a prison

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I never imagined being in Mystic Falls as a prison. It's always been my safe haven, the one place I fit in and am accepted for everything I am — even before I became a vampire. I've never felt out of place, no one ever told me I wasn't needed.

And yet now, here I am, plotting the easiest way of escaping it.

Although, it'll be a bit hard to do that from a cellar.

Right, let me back track a couple days.

"Is it honestly that difficult to trap a vampire inside a tomb? You'd think they'd love the things." Damon says, "What with the dull stench of death."

With a roll of my eyes I hand him another journal, "So cynical."

He takes the journal from my hands his eyes skimming across the date — 1873 — before placing it in the box with the others. We've been at this for hours (per request of the lovely, darling Elena — whom is still irritatingly annoyed at both Damon and I) and it's beginning to get boring. At first, it was interesting enough. Who doesn't enjoy sifting through some centuries old guys' journals? Juicy details and all. But now it's starting to lose its novelty.

How did we get landed with the shitty job anyway? Caroline and Stefan are out looking for — whoever this guy is — his hideout and we get stuck looking through journals. Screw Elena.

"Don't look so depressed, it could've been worse." Damon says, his eyes glancing me up and down. Jesus fuck what is he, a mind reader?

I roll my eyes, "Do enlighten me on how it could be worse?"

Damon shrugs, "We could be... Battling a dragon."

"Battling a dragon? Really? That's the best you've got?"

He throws me one of those grins he does so well, "You got any better?"

I smirk at him, "you know I've got better." He looks up at me, his gaze heated, and that smirk flutters onto his lips.

Needless to say, the journal-sorting gets put on hold.


"Come on! Would it really be that hard?"

I narrow my eyes at the blonde in front of me, a glass of Damon's best bourbon in my hand, "She hates my guts at the moment, talk about an awkward drive."

Caroline lets out an exasperated sigh, throwing her head back, as if I'm the one being difficult.

Honestly, what did she expect em to say? Oh yes Caroline! I'll take Elena wherever she needs to go — without being told where she needs to fucking go — despite the annoyance of it! Let me just grab my keys!

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