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Damon Salvatore and I are... Complicated. We'll protect each other, and kill for one another in a heart beat. We'll look out for each other, and if either of us need to talk about anything we know who to go to. We listen to each other's moaning, and complaining, and we will never go against each other.

Plus, you know, we've had sex a few times.

It's sounds worse than it actually is. I mean, it's normally just a comfort thing. If either of us is like, depressed or something then we usually have sex. To take our minds off it. We don't tell anyone, although I think Stefan suspects somethings going on. We don't ever mention it or talk about it afterwards.

It's not like we're in love or anything. We're not. He's in love with Elena. And I... I'm not in love with anything. I'm just a distraction to him, a friend at most, and he is exactly the same to me. And we have fun, that's all.

Which is why I'm not at all surprised to put my book down and turn around to see a shirtless, smirking Damon lounging on my bed at three a.m in the morning. Charlie's asleep, and so is Bella, although I heard Edward come through her window a few hours ago.

"Aren't you looking dashing." Damon smirks at me, his eyes lingering on my bare legs. If I'd known he was going to turn up at three in the morning then I would've put something a little more covering on as pyjamas.

What the fuck is he doing here at this time anyway? It's too early.

"I thought you weren't coming till later." I say, my arms folded across my chest.

He continues to smirk, "I wasn't, but Stefan has Elena over, and I thought, why spend my time dealing with my sulky brother and his girlfriend when I could spend it having sex?" I roll my eyes at him. I can tell he's generally hurt by his brothers open rejection, as the only family he has left, and the only reason he came earlier is because he doesn't want to see his brother and the girl he's in love with together.

"I'm not having sex with you Damon." I tell him, watching his smirk grow.

"Liar. You say that every time." He's right, I do say that every time. And then we end up having sex.

"My sister and father are down the hall." I remind him.

"You don't even like them." He points out.

He's got me there. Charlie isn't so bad I suppose, but I've never really liked Bella. Not even after today's shopping trip.

He stands up, strutting over to me, and placing his hands on my hips, his fingers exploring my bare skin. He pulls me closer, until I'm pressed against his chest looking up at him. His eyes glance down at my lips, before pressing a soft kiss on them. He bends his head down to whisper in my ear, his cheek pressed against mine.

"Help me forget." And they are the only words I need to hear. I push him backwards onto the bed, and straddle him, kissing up his chest with ease.

And then, I help him forget.


After, we lay beside each other under the covers. We don't speak for about half hour, instead choosing to just enjoy the presence of each other's bodies in silence. His hand seeks mine, and he grips it, tugging it to his chest and holding it there. He wasn't gentle, nothing ever is with Damon, but I don't think I'd want him to be either. Damon is not gentle by nature. Damon is rough, and irritant, and sharp around the edges. Damon is not gentle and caring and nice.

I'll never understand why he wants Elena so much. She's nothing like him. The opposite really. Elena is much more like Stefan than Damon. She's all righteous, and unselfish, and giving, and justifiable.

And Damon's just not.

She tries to change him. All the time. I see it, the way she talks to him when he fucks up. Like he's not worth anything. The way she tries to make him less him, and more Stefan. Elena makes out like he's evil, and she tells him he is, and he's not evil. He's not. He's just living. He's being who he is. He's being rough, and impulsive, and dangerous, and sharp tongued, and self serving. He's being a vampire, and he's being who he is, and she tells him not to. She says she loves him, and that she wants to spend forever with him, but she's a liar. She doesn't want to spend forever with him, not the real him, she wants to spend forever with the him she wants him to be. He'll figure it out eventually, by himself he's smart. It's just... I don't know. It bugs me a bit that she's trying to change him just because she doesn't like those things about him.

"What you thinking about?" He whispers to me, and I turn my head to look at him. I must of blanked out for a minute, lost in thought. He must've been watching me, he does that a lot. He lifts a hand up and strokes my cheek with his fingers. I turn my head into his hand a little, and he smiles slightly at my response.

"Nothing." I reply quietly, and he doesn't push me on it. Instead he continues to watch me, his face with this weird expression on it.

"Klaus kissed Caroline." He says, still whispering, but changing the subject.

"Klaus?" I ask, keeping my voice as low as his. What are we even doing? We don't talk after we have sex, we never have. We just, I don't know... Pretend it never happened.

He nods a little, an amused glint in his eye, "We had to find a way to get him to fess his secrets, and he was interested in her. So we sent her on her merry way to get him to tell her everything, and he said something about Tyler."

"He didn't." I gasp, and he watches my reaction with a smile on his face. I really don't know what's going on right now, or why we're doing stuff we don't normally do, but I... I sort of like it. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Oh, but he did. And Caroline was not happy."

"How do you even kiss someone after that?" I ask, watching him re-live the story in his head.

He shrugs, or as well as he can in the position he's in, "He just went for it. She was in the middle of doing that thing she does ever so much—"


"Yeah that. Anyway, she was in the middle of ranting and he just kissed her." Damon had obviously found the entire experience amusing at the time, and is finding it just as amusing after, "She had about eight showers afterwards." I laugh a little, and something about that makes him from and stroke my face again, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I'm really not surprised." I tell him, deciding not to react too much to his change of behaviour. It wouldn't do any good to point it out. "He did say something about Tyler."

"Tyler's an idiot anyway, whatever Klaus said was probably true." Damon smirks at me as I roll my eyes.

"You can't say that, Caroline would kick your ass." I say, letting him run his hand over my bare hip, enjoying the movement of his hands as he pulls me onto his chest. Confused, I place my head where his un-beating heart is, and feel him hug me. This is so weird, we don't do this.

"Caroline won't ever know. Our secret." He whispers, and I feel his lips against my forehead.

I gulp, noticing how my eyes closed a little (okay, what the fuck?) and something happened in my stomach (this is Damon for crying out loud).

"As always."

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