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I never thought I'd be here, walking down an aisle between rows and rows of chairs full of family

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I never thought I'd be here, walking down an aisle between rows and rows of chairs full of family. Mom is crying, from her seat in the front row, and Pete has a few tears in his eyes from beside her. I see Nana sat behind them, her eyes wide as she sees me. Ha, take that you old hag! Who's got to lose weight now? A few cousins are there as well, as well as Aunt Miriam. I haven't seen a lot of them since I lost the weight, and turned. I haven't wanted to. But now, they all see me, they all see what they're missing out on. What they missed out on when I was a kid. Now? Now they can go fuck themselves.

I see everyone, but the person who said he'd be here.

It sort of upsets me that Damon didn't come today, when he was supposed to. What am I supposed to tell Bella if she asks where my charming sort-of vampire boyfriend has gone? I can't exactly tell her that he's in the toilet all evening can I? We don't even use the restroom.

I reach the end of the aisle, the flowers clutched in my hand, and I take my place opposite Edward's best man, Emmett. My hair looks nice today, I suppose. It's curled at the ends, with a flower piece in it. None of it is in my eyes, though. Not even a strand. The dress fits as perfectly as it did at the shop a few weeks ago, showing off enough leg to look sexy. The cream heels, if I were human, would've surely killed me by now, but since I'm not human, they only make me look taller, and elegant.

Bella is next down the aisle, her dress looking beautiful against her pale skin, and her hair looks divine in the up do Rosalie did for her. Charlie holds her up, so that she doesn't do a usual-Bella-move and trip in her heels. She looks nervous as hell, her eyes skittering around. Until she sees Edward, and a smile breaks out across her face, and she looks at no one else.

In that moment, as much as we have our differences, I understand exactly why Bella is marrying a vampire. I understand why she's risking her life every time she's around he and his family. I understand why she's not afraid of the things he's capable of. She loves him with everything in her. She loves him wholly. She loves him with fire ignited in her blood and the sweet feeling of pain when she's away from him. She loves him...

Exactly how Damon loves me.

I can't believe I didn't see it. I'm around him all the time! How couldn't I see the way he looks at me, how it's different to how he looks at Elena. I'm such an idiot! He wasn't going back for her! He was going back for Stefan! I'm so stupid! He loves me, not her. How didn't I see this before? Elena was right when she said he always comes running to me when things don't go his way — because I'm his comfort and his safe place.

Nothing can explain the happiness I'm feeling right now, nothing at all. He loves me. Me! Nothing even comes close to the happiness I'm feeling.

Bella reaches the end of the aisle, standing beside Edward with a grin on her face. He holds out his hand to her with an equally large smile on his own face.

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