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By time we get to Charlie's house, the awkwardness is almost suffocating. It's that bad. The small talk was mostly about the weather, or what we've both been up to over the years. He tells me about Bella's wedding, but I don't pay much attention.

The car I asked Tyler to drive down for me on his way through Forks sits in the driveway beside an awfully run-down-looking orange truck. Thank Christ, I thought I'd have to ask Charlie for a ride every time I wanted to go places.

"Home sweet home." He says as he shuts the door behind him, placing my suitcases in the hallway.

Charlie's house is bland, and other than the few coats (obviously Bella's) hanging on the hooks in the hallway, you wouldn't be able to tell a female lives here. Where does little miss anti social spend all her time if it isn't here?

"Well, your rooms upstairs to the left, I have to get back to work but there's a spare set of house keys on your bedside cabinet and Bella put the clothes you had your friend ship down here last week in your closet." He tells me.

"I didn't have anybody ship any clothes down." I say, confused. He hands me a note from the kitchen table and I read it.

We figured you could use a new wardrobe for that boring old town!
—Much love,
Caroline, Bonnie, And Elena xxx

I smile, " My friends from Mystic Falls, they do stuff like this all the time." I explain.

He raises an eyebrow, "Boring old town ay?"

I laugh, shaking my head, "It's their idea of a joke, Charlie. They live in Mystic Falls. It's a place where everyone knows everyone."

"Ah, I see. Well, they must be some nice friends to buy you a whole new wardrobe. Well off too." He points out.

"Caroline's mom is the town sherif." I tell him, and he seems a little more interested.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah." Instead of telling him anything else about her, I turn around to look at my suitcases. "Well, I'm going to get unpacked. Have a nice time at work Charlie."

He says thanks, and it isn't long before the front door slams shut behind him. I hear the police cruiser pull out of the driveway.

I'm glad Charlie left now, so that I can carry all three suitcases up at one time without making it look like I'm struggling. It's such a nightmare pretending I can't do things that I actually can do, that I'm not strong enough.

My bedroom is... not bad actually. The bed covers need to be a whole different colour, but other than that it isn't that bad. The walls are a nice colour, and the paintings hung up on them are cute. There's enough space, more than enough. It's not as big as my bedroom in Mystic Falls — the one I have at the Salvatore boarding house, gifted to me by the lovely Damon Salvatore after o turned — but it's still big.

I place the suitcases at the end of the bed, and unzip the biggest one. I pull out my mini-fridge (Damon bought it for me as a going away present — to put the blood in) and plug it into the nearest plug socket I can find. After stashing all the blood from the smallest suitcase inside it, I lock the fridge door and put the key underneath the mattress of my bed. I unpack the rest of the things in the large suitcase, and then do the same to the other before stuffing all three under the bed.

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