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This is it

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This is it. Done. Kapiché. Finished. Dunzo. Voilà—d that shit.

I am so done with being stuck in this goddamned cell. Surrounded by stone walls, and damp, and water, and moss, and — while I admit she's quite the conversationalist when she isn't hating on me for stealing away Damon — a very mopey Elena.

It's all just very depressing. Ha, if Damon could see me now. He'd say something stupid like 'I thought you said I was cynical'.

Oh right, Damon.

I reach into my back pocket, stretching out a few cramped bones, hearing a couple clicks, before pulling out my phone. I press the centre button at the bottom of the screen, and see the icon for 'your phone is out of charge'. Fuck.

"Do you have your cell phone?" I ask Elena, watching as her head lifts up and she pulls out her phone from her cardigan pocket, "Has it got charge?"

She pressed a few buttons before nodding, "It's got 57% on it."

I'm so slow, why didn't I think of this before?

"Stretch your muscles, walk around for a bit and—" I cut myself off as I look up to the roof of our cell, remembering suddenly that there's a vampire up there who can hear our every move.

I look around, ignoring Elena's confused expression, before my eyes find a sharp loose stone in the corner of the cell. I lean over and pull it out, levelling it with the floor before I start talking again to cover up the sound of the scraping.

"So, Elena, how's school going?" I ask her, loudly, as I begin to scrape away a message into the wall.

She furrows her eyebrows, "School? What—" she meets my gaze as she understands what I'm doing, "Oh! Right! School! You know how it is, so annoying! The professors are just a pain in the ass, aren't they? I never thought I'd find that high school teachers were the easiest part of my education."

"They're all big and cuddly when you get the hang of them, trust me. You've just gotta find blackmail!" I reply, biting my lip as I press harder into the wall.

She glances over, "Is that what you do, then? Blackmail them?"

"I don't even have to talk to them! I do online courses remember? I did tell you, I think. It was either you or Stefan. I literally get sent the work through my computer and then I send it back via email. It's so much easier." I say, finishing off the past letter of my message before chucking the stone back into the corner. I look back towards my message, reading the words at the same time as Elena does.

I distract, you get reception

She nods, "I'll have to try that."

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