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I swear to Christ almighty that I am never going dress shopping ever again. I thought wedding dress shopping was bad — this is torture. I must've tried on about ninety different fucking colour purple in the past hour. Are there even that many shades of purple?

Alice, of course, is having the time of her life. Why wouldn't she be? She gets to spend all day doing her favourite thing! I have to spend all day replying to Damon's sarcastic texts, ignoring Elena and Stefan's phone calls, and pretending to be enjoying myself when I'm pretty sure a stake through the heart would entertain me more than this.

"Ohhhhh! Look at this one Bella! This is just a shade darker than the other one, but it's so pretty!"

Scrap that, I'm totally sure a stake through the heart would be more enjoyable than this. Don't they sell them at home depot? Where's the closest home depot from here? Would the cashier know? Probably not. She doesn't look like she pays much attention to anything, never mind directions.

Although, much to my enjoyment, Bella doesn't look like she's having a lot of fun either. If I held even the slightest bit of compassion for the girl, I might actually feel sorry for her. But I don't, so I get to sit here and take the slightest bit of satisfaction from her discomfort. I'm a wonderful sister, aren't I?

"Ellie, don't you like this one?" Alice turns her attention to me, her pixie like head twisting to look in my direction. I groan internally. What the fuck did I do in a previous life to deserve this? Seriously, can't I catch a goddamned break?

I shrug, "It looks alright."

"Alright? What does that mean? Alright bad or alright good?" She presses. How many different interpretations of alright are there for crying out loud?

I roll my eyes, not answering her question. She's not going to take anything I say into account anyway, so what's the point is wasting my breath?

Well, if I had any breath to waste.

"Alice, I really think the first one was the one." Bella says, keeping her voice low as if she we're talking to an easily startled cat.

And after spending God knows how many hours in the store, we end up buying the very first fucking dress we looked at. There are no words to describe my annoyance right now. I could've been out of this store ages ago!

"Do you want a ride home Ellie?" Bella asks me when we're stood outside the store, two bags in her hands while Alice juggles the rest over to her car.

I shake my head, "It's alright, Damon's coming to get me."

Damon wasn't going to come get me originally, but I think if I spend any more time in an enclosed space with Alice I might just kill her. For real this time. As in, not ever coming back, dead — not the usual vampire-y dead.

"Your date for the wedding?"

I nod, and she says goodbye before going over to Alice. Their car drives off after a few minutes. I pull out my phone and type a message to Damon.

TO: Damon
Come pick me up.

I wait for a few minutes before a reply comes through.

FROM: Damon
I thought you were getting a ride with Bella and her pixie friend?

TO: Damon
Don't be difficult. Just come get me.

I type the name of the store into the message and press send. He won't reply, because he wants to pretend he's the one in charge — per usual — but I know he's on his way to get me. He won't leave me stranded.

I still don't know what's going on with us, the touchy feely stuff and the gentle touches. It's confusing, and makes me wonder who the fuck possessed Damon Salvatore every time he does the sweet caring thin he's doing lately. I won't ask him about it obviously, because then he'll get defensive. Defensive Damon is an asshole — an even bigger one than normal.

My phone rings, and I glance down at the name on the screen.


Argh, again? Really? You would've thought the girl would've given up by now. The amount of times she's blown up my phone today is unbelievable. You know what? Fuck it.

"Ellie put him on the phone." Elena's voice demands as I press answer and put the phone against my ear.

"Who exactly am I putting on the phone?" I ask, playing along with the 'I don't know where Damon is' thing Damon told me to do.

She sighs, sounding like she hasn't slept in ages, "Don't play games with me Eleanor. Just put Damon on the phone. I need to speak to him."

"I don't know where Damon is Elena. He ain't here." I tell her — which technically isn't a lie because he actually isn't here yet.

Elena seems more agitated when she speaks again, "I know you're lying. He always goes to you whenever he doesn't like the way things are going. Always. He wouldn't of hesitated before running into your arms. Now put him on the goddamn phone Eleanor or so help me god—"

"Gotta go Elena, sorry to be a pain. I'll let Damon know you called — again." I tell her, before putting the phone down and shoving it in my pocket.

I hear Damon coming in the car, my car, without even using vampire hearing. He's got the windows wide open and the radio blaring out Paramore at the top of its lungs. He has that signature smirk on his face that never seems to fade and a shopping bag from the popular tailors shop in Port Angeles in the back seat. He pulls up right in from of me and looks up at my face.

"Jilted at the Wedding Dress shop ay?" He grins, popping open the passenger seat door for me. I walk around the car, slipping into the seat and shut the door behind me.

"Very funny, but it's a bridesmaids dress shop actually and I told them you were picking me up." I reply, strapping my seatbelt on and waiting for him to start moving. He pulls out of the parking space and starts driving along the road.

"But I wasn't."

"But you did." I counter, "If I'd spent another second with Alice then I swear to god that I'd have ripped her head clean off."

"Don't do that El," Damon says cheerily, "It'd be a nightmare to clear up. And I really don't have the time."

"You do nothing all day! How could you not have the time."

"I strongly resent that statement." He says, keeping his eyes on the road but still managing to send a smirk my way.

"I strongly don't care."

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