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The house is fairly silent, despite the few chuckles or bangs every few seconds. No footsteps, other than Bella's, could be heard by a human ear, and only one person is breathing — and it isn't me. I start pretending to breathe, inhaling air I don't need and exhaling it so that whoever the vampires are in this house are under the impression I'm breathing like a human.

It's better than nothing.

Bella leads me up the first set of stairs and onto the landing, before going through a door on the right side of us.

"In here Ellie!" She yells back, and I follow her through the door.

The house itself is quite bright, and open, but it's not sunny today, so there's no sunlight. Just gloomy greyness. It's a living room, the room Bella calls me into. A very well decorated living room. There's no dust anywhere, and everything is clean. On the couch sits two men — one with sandy blonde hair and the other with dark, closely cut hair. Both are pale, and watching the baseball game on the television. Sitting on the arm of the chair next to the dark haired one is Rosalie, a small smile on her face as she watches the man obviously her boyfriend, husband, whatever. Alice isn't in the room, but a blonde man with kind eyes and an auburn haired lady with a smile on her face stand by the window, his arms wrapped around her. There's another, a tall, dark blonde man with a grin on his face as he watches my sister walk over to him, enveloping her in a hug. This must be her fiancé, Ed-something.

"Hello there! You must be Eleanor!" The auburn haired woman grins, gracefully walking over and bringing me into a hug, "My name's Esme."

Once she lets go, I return her smile, "Hello Esme. It's nice to meet you."

"Not at all as shy as Bella when she first arrived." The blonde man behind her says as he comes over, holding out his hand, "Carlisle."

I shake his hand, "I can imagine no one is as shy or awkward as Bella."

Bella blushes, "Thanks Ellie."

"I aim to serve." I smirk at her. Okay, maybe now probably isn't the best time to mess with her, but the opportunity was there and I'm never one to waste things.

"I'm Emmett, this is Jasper." The dark haired one says to me one his shoulder. Rosalie rolls her eyes as Jasper raises his left hand in greeting by doesn't turn around.

"Was the drive alright, Eleanor?" Rosalie asks politely, "I know Alice can get... Chatty." Emmett obviously finds her question surprising. She doesn't talk much, I'm guessing. Not to people she thinks are human. So either I'm special, or she knows I'm not human. Fuck, Damon's going to kill me. Well, properly kill me.

I smile at her, "It wasn't bad, she spoke to Bella more than me."

"You were far too interested in your phone." Bella says, a slight laugh to her tone.

I turn to her, "Would you rather I not have a date to your wedding?"

"You're bringing a date?" She asks, surprised.

"Obviously. I'm not going to fly solo. I have class." I tell her, rolling my eyes.

Damon isn't aware he's taking me to Bella's wedding, but oh well. He won't exactly care — as long as I wear something gorgeous and take him to 'eat' afterwards.

"Oh... Well that's great! Isn't it Edward?" She smiles at her fiancé — Edward apparently — and he acknowledges her attempt at sparking a conversation between him and I.

"Wonderful." He says, "Is he going to be arriving soon?"

"Tomorrow." I reply, looking him up and down. He's staring at me rather intently, as if he's trying to figure something out. What the hell is he doing? His family are all looking at him expectantly, like he's about to tell them something important. What is he? Buddha or something?

Alice walks in, breaking the intense silence, and grins at me as she stops at my side, "Did you all meet Eleanor? She's great isn't she? Have you seen her shoes? Gucci!" Alice's gaze falls on my shoes, desire in them.

"I have more than one pair, you can have one if you want." I tell her. I'm going to have to put up with them, so I might as well get along with them. If a pair of shoes is all it takes, then a pair of shoes it is. And I do have more than one pair.

Alice's face lights up, "Really?" At my nod she starts squealing, and grinning, and Jasper gets up and takes her over to the couch to calm down.

Esme sends me a grateful glance, before telling me to make myself at home and walking out of the room. Carlisle follows her.

"How was dress shopping?" Edward asks Bella, who grins up at him. They're in love, I can tell. Obviously it's set for destruction because he's a vampire and she's not. I wonder if she knows he's a vampire, or if she's just ignoring all the weird things about him. It's Bella, after all, she can be ignorant. Then I see the way he holds her as if she's going to break, and she strokes his skin. She knows. Of course she does. She knows about all of them. What is wrong with her? They could kill her! One wrong move and he'd snap her in half! Jesus Christ does she have a death wish!

Stupid question, it's Bella.

In the end, I end up sitting with Rosalie. We watch the game with Jasper and Emmett. We don't talk much, or look at each other often, which suits me just fine. Bella disappears with Edward, and I hear them go upstairs.

Eventually, when it's time to go home, Edward offers to drive us, and Bella obviously tells him that yes he can drive us and no I won't have a problem with it. So we get in the car, after saying our goodbyes, and I get myself ready for an extremely awkward, silent car ride home. I sit in the back again, leaving Bella with the passenger seat next to Edward.

It seems like forever by the time we actually get home, and I get out of the car before Bella and Edward can make anything more awkward. I go up to my room, trying to block out the sound of Bella and Edward's farewells as I gulp down a bag of blood, and then another. I stop myself before the third, remembering I have to conserve them. The door slams shut downstairs, and I listen to Bella go into her room.

Well wasn't that fun? Damon better bloody not have told Caroline about the Cullens, I swear if he has I'll make him shower in vervain for a month straight.

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