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I look down at the name flashing across my screen as Damon, rather amused, walks straight past my sister — who's just coming out of her room — and down the stairs. Thankfully, fully dressed.


Again. It's the tenth time she's called. She obviously knows exactly where Damon's gone. But I haven't answered, he told me not to. So I didn't. I press decline and shove the phone back into the front section of my bag.

Bella raises an eyebrow at me, "Who the hell is that?"

"My date for your wedding." I say, looking her up and down. She hasn't dressed yet, still in pyjamas. 

She looks a little shocked, "When did he get here?"

"This morning." I don't offer her much of an explanation, and go downstairs.

Damon has positioned himself against the kitchen counter, his arms crossed on his chest and a cup of coffee abandoned on the counter next to him. He made himself coffee? Of course he did. Despite the fact he doesn't live here. He's wearing that smirk again. Asshole.

"Elena called again." I tell him, to which he shrugs.

"She'll stop calling eventually." He says, seeming completely uninterested in the fact his love has called about him.

I raise an eyebrow at him, "Okay, what's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me Damon." I tell him, folding my arms across my chest. My zipper on my leather jacket scratches my skin a bit, "What's going on with you and Elena?"

"Not the same thing that's going on with you and me." He winks over at me. Oh no my friend, you are not distracting me from this.


He sighs, rolling his eyes at me, "Fine. We argued."

"About what?" I ask, pulling out a chair at the table and sitting down. I lift one leg over the other and put my hands in my lap.

He watches me, "Irrelevant."

"Either you tell me or I'll pick up next time she calls." I threaten him, which is probably not very fair but I've never played fair. I won't start now.

He growls a little, "Devious little Fire Starter."

"Damn right, now tell me what made you argue with your one true love."

He rolls his eyes, "She's not my one true love. That's what we argued about. She was yelling and I was yelling and then she got mad and said she's in love with me."

Shock courses through me as I don't answer for a few moments. Elena's in love with him? For some reason that makes me mad. She has Stefan! She knows how Damon feels why the hell would she screw with his head like that?


"Yes. She did." He picks up his coffee and starts to drink it.

"But..." I stutter for a second, a little confused, "But then why are you here? I mean, that's what you've wanted for... Since you met her."

He shakes his head and shrugs, "I changed my mind. She's my brothers girl, I'm not about to take her from him."

"But you wanted to." I repeat. Why would he pass this up? After everything. After all he's done to get her to see him.

"I asked her why she loves me. She started listing all the things I'd changed about myself because I knew she'd like them. She doesn't love me, she loves the guy she wants, the guy I became for her. I told her that, she got mad. Asked me why I love her." He shrugs again, taking another mouthful of coffee.

I sigh, this man never fails to confuse me, "And what did you say?"

"I said I don't love her."

My head jolts as I meet his eyes, my eyes wide, "What the fuck Damon!"

"Well, I don't. I loved Katherine, and Elena looked like her. I wasn't in love with Elena, I was in love with Katherine. Elena was a nice version of Katherine. I was in love with that. Not her." He explains, "Now? Now I'm not in love with either of them."

I blow out a breath through my lips loudly, "You never fail to confuse me, Damon."

"Ah, then my life goal is complete Fire Starter." He grins cheekily, "What're we up to today? Going back to bed?"

I roll my eyes, "No dumbass. I'm supposed to be bridesmaid dress shopping with Bella and Alice."

"Oh really?" Amusement sparkles in his eyes, and he winks, "Gonna find something sexy?"

"No, but you are. You can spend today finding yourself a hot black tux and tie to wear to Bella's wedding." I tell him, listening to Bella start up the shower upstairs. Charlie must've already left early this morning.

"And why will I be doing that?" He asks, although he is fully aware of why he'll be doing that.

I send him a grin, "You get to be the lucky guy who's my date to my twin sisters wedding."

"Lucky me." He fakes enthusiasm, sending me a grin in return.

I stand up, smirking over at him as I walk towards him. I wrap my arms around his neck, pushing myself against him. His left arm wraps around my waist, while his coffee is in his right hand and he drinks from it as if he has my pressed against him all the time.

"I bet," I whisper, "I could make it worth your while."

"I bet," He whispers back after placing his coffee back on the counter, "You won't be going to your dress shopping if you keep talking the way you are."

I hear Bella come down the stairs. I try to move away from him, but he locks his arm around me tightly, and due to age difference he's a lot stronger than I am.

"If I'm going to be your date, I'm at least going to give them a good show."

I roll my eyes at him, of course he makes this a theatre act. Why wouldn't he? It's Damon.

Bella walks in, finds herself slightly surprised by Damon and I's position, and then goes about the kitchen like nothing is out of place. I have to hand it to her, she's a wonderful actress.

"I'm Bella, Eleanor's sister." Bella smiles at him politely.

Damon acts surprised, "Oh you are? Wow, I can not see the resemblance! I'm Damon, Ellie's boyfriend."

"He is not my boyfriend." I tell her, and she raises an eyebrow at our position — she obviously doesn't believe me.

"Don't listen to her, she gets self conscious about these things. I don't know why, I'm gorgeous!" He says, and I swat him on the chest. Egotistical asshole. He teases this way sometimes with me, but never with other people. What on earth is he doing? What's he playing at?

We don't do this. We don't know how. He has Elena. Except he doesn't, does he? Because he doesn't want her.

Why does that make me happy?

I'm so thankful for all the people reading ❤️ Remember to comment and Vote!

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