Chapter 3

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When I got home, Lorise was waiting for me. Oh, brother! My dad must've let her in.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here. I need to speak with you Miss Bell." I rolled my eyes. She's so dramatic.

She grinned. "Tell me everything." I put my purse down and sat on the couch.

"Nothing really to tell. We just showed our work." She frowned.

"Somebody that fine and all you do is show him your writing?" She shook her head in disappointment. "When are you meeting up again? You are meeting up again right?" I smiled at her. Her eyes popped open.

"Yes!" She pumped her fist into the air.

"Hold on, you should be mad. I'm a hypocrite!" I said tattle tailing on myself. "Once again, somebody that fine..." I laughed at her. He was though.

It's Sunday. That means 4 hours of church. I got ready for church and saw I was the only one ready. I sat and listened to the radio while waiting for my parents. Some Stevie Wonder came on. I sang along to Isn't She Lovely. I absolutely loved this song and pretty much anything Stevie Wonder sang. Once it was off, an interesting commercial came on.

"Short story contest for all ages. Submit to the nearest library between New block and Old block counties. The winner will receive 500 dollars. Submissions are due May 23rd." The announcer said.

That was the day after I graduated. This was great! I could buy myself a typewriter, maybe put it towards buying an apartment. Then, I thought of something even better; I could help my father pay for his store.

"You ready?" My mother asked me and my father followed behind her. I nodded my head and we headed to church.


My church wasn't big in size or people, but everyone knew each other by name and we were really close. I had gone to this church all my life. I was in children's church from when I was four till I was nine. I was so happy to get out of there because of Ms. Raymon. She was the worst person I've ever met. She was worse than the ushers. She ran the Sunday school and I didn't know why they let her do that. She was 1000 years old and evil! She would smack kids with this stick she had and it left marks. She would come out of nowhere and pop you with it. I've gotten hit before too. I would always claim the mark was still on my arm.

Ava Grace helped out at Sunday school too. She was the sweetest, prettiest girl. She always had her hair in waves. There was never anything else but a smile on her face. I believe some of the young men that came to our church came just for her. She was really nice to them, but she had her eyes on James Black. He was the definition of tall, dark, and handsome. All of the young women loved him, even Ms. Raymon who definitely wasn't young. But, his eyes were only on Ava Grace. All of the girls were jealous. They gave her dirty looks all the time.

Ava Grace talked to me about James all the time. I didn't mind. I liked to listen actually. People being crazy over someone else was adorable to me.

After the 4 hours of church, Ava Grace came up to me.

"Liberty, the way he looked at me and smiled melted my heart. It's going so fast I can't even feel it beating," she said pressing her hand to her chest. I was walking with her to her car while my parents spoke to people.

"He asked me out on a date!" She squealed. "That's good Ava Grace!"

"Yeah, but I don't know what to wear. I was kind of thinking you could help me out since you have such great taste in fashion." I was taken aback. I mean I didn't dress badly, but I know some people (Lorise) who might think otherwise.

"When's the date?"

"Next Sunday at 7."

"Okay, how about Saturday morning?"


Back at home while I was trying to figure out what I wanted my short story to be about, Lorise called.

"Hey, Liberty." She sounded like she was trying to force those words out of her mouth.

"Hey, what's going on Lorise?" I asked. "I was wondering if we could go to the mall Saturday to find you an outfit for your date Sunday."

"I have clothes," I stated.

"So we'll go at 3:30." She completely ignored me. That is what I was talking about.

"Alrighty then!" I said having no other choice but to give in. We were silent on the phone.

"Liberty," Lorise called, her voice was a bit softer. "Yeah?"

"I didn't call just because I wanted you to go to the mall."

"What'd you call for then?" I asked concerned. "It's my parents. They've been at each other's throats lately." That's why Mrs. Karslow sounded so tired and upset. "Every time they argue my dad leaves, then they argue more when he comes back."

It was kind of shocking to hear. Lorise's parents had always been a happy couple to me. At least that's what I thought.

"Lorise I'm so sorry. That's tough. Do you want to come over and talk about it? We can listen to some Red Foxx comedy." I suggested. Red Foxx always made Lorise smile.

"That's okay. They're not at home now. I will listen to some Red Foxx though." She laughed lightly.

"How long has this been going on?" I asked.

"About a month. One day my mother came home upset and said we were on our own for dinner. My dad and I didn't know what was going on. I finally understood later when I heard them arguing. She just said that she didn't think he loved her anymore." She stopped suddenly. She was quiet for a second. "He responded with, 'maybe I don't', and then walked out." She started crying.

"They've been together for so long. How can they just stop loving each other?" She sobbed. I couldn't respond to her. "Liberty, just please be there for me."

"Of course! I'm always here for you." I reassured her. "You and Robert are all I seem to have now." I wasn't sure if she was okay with that or depressed by it.

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