Chapter 15

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As I waited for Bryson, my mother and father came downstairs. "Liberty." My father said. They sat down at the table. 

"Come and sit down. We want to talk about last week."  I sat down slowly unsure about what they were about to tell me.

"So you know we didn't go to Rita's wedding," my father said. "In fact, we haven't talked to her in a while, " my mother added. I looked between the two of them waiting for more. 

"We've decided that maybe it is time to tell you the truth." I braced myself for whatever might be said. Like Bryson said, not every reaction is the best. 

"We were at a mental institution." I didn't really know how to react to that. They were pretty sane to me. 

"Uh, why?" Now, I was questioning their mental health. Maybe that's why they lie. I obviously wasn't doing a very good job at figuring the situation out. 

My mother sighed and looked at the floor. My father took her hand in his. I could see him squeeze it. She looked back up at me with a sorrowful look in her eyes. 

"We went to see your grandmother." She was talking about one of the DEAD ones. 

"My grandmother's died. Remember?" Maybe they were in a mental institution and they're lying about being in one. What kind of people do I have for parents? 

"I'm sorry honey, but I lied to you," she said with tears in her eyes. "We lied." My father said backing her. I shook my head. "Where's your mother?" I asked my father. "She really is gone."

"I don't even know if I can believe that." What could I believe? 

"But you have to understand why. She was insane!" 

"Who? Who did you lie about?" I asked frustrated. "My mother," she said. 

"You were just a baby! She tried to drown you!" I gasped. 

My grandma tried to kill me? This was all too much. Bryson was right. I wasn't ready. 

"I- I have to go. I need to clear my thoughts." I said getting up. "That's okay. Go ahead," my father said. 

As I walked, a 1970 red Camaro pulled up next to me. I forgot Bryson and I were going to the bridge. 

I was crying and I know he'd have a fit, but I got in anyway. When I got in, he didn't say anything he just hugged me and kissed me. As he drove, he had one arm wrapped around me. 

When I was done crying and sniffling, I finally talked. "My mom's mom is alive. She's in a mental institution. My grandmother is alive." 

He just sighed. "She tried to drown me when I was a baby! She hated me!" I cried more. He constantly wiped my tears knowing more would fall. He stayed so calm. Nothing phased him.

"There's not much I can do, baby," he told me. "Just be here with me," I said scooting into his arms. I didn't want anything else. I just wanted him.


When Bryson pulled up to my house, I just stared at it while he stared at me.

"I can't go in there." I shook my head. "Bryson I want to stay with you. Just tonight. I can sleep on the floor." 

He looked at me like I was crazy. "First off, I would never let you sleep on the floor. Second, you're going in that house," he said sternly. I liked his stern voice, but I wanted to stay with him. 

Like the baby I was, I began crying again. He sighed loudly. "Baby, you have school tomorrow." 

"You can take me." I pleaded with my eyes. "Please," I whispered.

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