Chapter 22

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Before we went back to see her, I stopped by the store so I could get her something. I wanted to give her a little present to show her that I wasn't upset or holding any grudges. I got her a teddy bear that was holding a heart. I knew it was typical, but there was nothing better at the moment.

That time going to the facility, I wasn't nervous. We went to the same spot as last time.

"Hi!" She said seeming even more excited to see me. I gave her a hug. She seemed so shocked by it.

"How are you today?" I asked her. "I'm so wonderful!" I could see the sincerity in her eyes.

"Well, I hope this makes you feel even better." I pulled the bear from behind me. She covered her mouth and her eyes opened wide.

"Oh, this is so sweet! You didn't have to do this," she said hugging the bear. "I will sleep with this by my side every night."

She went over to one of the guards and asked him something.

"Would you like to sit in the garden outside?" She asked me.

"Sure." She led the way to some glass double doors. 

The garden had flowers, trees, benches, a fountain, and tables. Maybelline and I sat on one bench and my parents sat on another.

"I hear you're really smart," she mentioned. 

"I guess so. I did get good grades." She nodded fiddling with the bear's heart.


"To Columbia, but I don't think I'm gonna go," I said unsure of what she'd say. 

"That's fine. I'm sure you'll know what to do." 

I smiled at her reassuring words. I knew I would figure it out as well. 

"A lot of guys like you? I know they do." She smiled. "I'm not sure; I don't pay attention."

"You have a boyfriend?" I started smiling from ear to ear thinking about him. I hadn't talked to Bryson since I left. I couldn't wait to see him again.

"I take that as a yes. Name?"

"Bryson Johnson."

"Sounds familiar. Who are his parents?"

"Adeline and Bryce Johnson."

"Oh, they got married? I remember Bryce used to take your mother and Adeline home from school. Adeline spent a lot of time at our house when she was younger." So, my grandmother had a good memory. 

"He must be a fine boy because his daddy was," she says laughing hard. Okay, grandma!

"What about you?" I asked her. She shook her head. "The only man good to me died long ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I never met my grandfather either. 

"I never got to meet him." She looked at me confused.

"I'm not talking about your mother's father. Your mother's father was a lazy good-for-nothin'." Oops!

"But a lot of the men I dealt with after my lover died were like that. Beating me, cursing me, trying to kill me." She flinched at some of her memories. 

"I turned to drugs and alcohol. That really messed me up, baby girl. And when you were born..." I stopped breathing. It was coming. She was about to bring it up.

"When you were born, you were so precious and small. Just a doll. So innocent and harmless. I didn't want this world to get to you. I wasn't thinking right. I had mixed drinking with the drugs and I was all messed up."

"I had a key to you guys' home. It was late when I came to get you. I took you to the river. My plan was to take you with me." She closed her eyes. I knew she felt terrible talking about it, but I could also tell she wanted to tell me the truth. 

"I walked into the water. You were awake by this time, but you didn't cry. When I was about to go through," she turned and faced me. She stared into my eyes and I couldn't look away.

"I looked into those beautiful bold eyes of yours, and it was like I was pulled. I don't know where to, but I know where from. From my own feelings and worries. When I looked at you, I saw hope and love. Something told me you would be okay. That you were strong and you would make it in this horrifying world. And you are making it." She grabbed my hand. 

"But the cops came by then. They saw me with you in the water, and I was sent here."

My grandmother helped me to see that some people hurt us because they want to help us. Maybe it is wrong, but to them, they're doing the right thing. They have the best intentions at heart, and sometimes people feel that if they have the right intentions, they automatically are doing the right thing. Even if it's not true, they believe that.

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