Chapter 23

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The first thing I did when I got settled at home was call Bryson. He told me to come over so we could go to the bridge together.

Before leaving, I turned on the radio to wait for the announcement of the winner of the short story contest. My parents and I both listened in.

"You've been waiting to see if you, yo mama, yo daddy, yo uncle, yo brother, or yo auntie won," the announcer began annoyingly, "and we got the winner right here." I began to get excited.

"And the winner of the 1977 summer short story contest is...ME!" I rolled my eyes irritated.

"Come on brother!" My father said extremely annoyed.

"Alright alright, I'm messing with y'all. The real winner is... LIBERTY BELL!" My mother and I started screaming.

"Congratulations Liberty Bell! Head on down to the library to win your prize!" I was shaking with excitement.

"What are you gonna do with it?" My mother asked excitedly. "Get some new pencils and notebooks?" My father teased. I smiled and shook my head ecstatic to tell them.

"No daddy, I'm giving it to you. For the store." They froze and stared at me.

"Baby girl, I would never take your money like that."

"You're not, I'm giving it to you."

"No, no I can't-"

"Daddy, this store means as much to me as much as it does to you. It was my first job."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Take the money!" I was getting frustrated with his protest. He came and hugged me. "Thank you so much, baby girl! This means too much to me."

"Me too." I smiled wide. I was so happy now. My daddy could keep his store and that's what mattered.


"Bryson, my point of view to your short story won the contest!" I told Bryson while sitting with him on the bridge. He'd brought some food like on our first date. 

"My girl! Anybody can see that you are a good writer. Baby, you need to publish."

"I'm scared."

"You have to. I'll hold your hand, remember?" I giggled.

"Okay, Bryson."

"How was it?" He asked me while we sat and ate some grapes. I knew he was referring to me meeting my grandmother.

"Eye-opening, I guess you could say." He stroked my hair and it was very relaxing.

"So, you learned something?" He asked curiously.

"I did actually, life isn't what it seems. Not all the time," I said. That made him shrug.

"You think you know anything?" I asked him.

"I don't know anything for sure," he said. "Except for one thing." I looked up at him and he looked down at me with those gorgeous eyes.

"You're my girl. It was supposed to be that way, it is that way, and it always will be that way. That's for sure!"

He pulled something out of his pocket. It was a folded piece of paper.

"I wrote you something. I'll read it to you." He said sounding kind of nervous. I smiled hard.

Your love keeps me warm like the summer sun
When I look at you, I know you're the only one
The only one to make me feel like I've won
The only one to make me feel my life has begun
I look at you and I know my life is complete
There is no other woman that can compete
It's the feeling I get when I look at you
I know you're the one that I can look to
Please love me, baby, just as much as I love you
Cause if you don't my heart will turn from red to blue
Cold as a winters day
But like the Temptations say
I want the month of May
So do that by giving me just this one thing
And someday become Mrs. Bryson Johnson

He pulled out a container. I noticed what was inside and my heart started racing. He handed it to me. 

I dug through the grapes until I felt something cold and metal. I pulled it out

"This means you will truly belong to me one day. I can promise you that, and my promises are forever. That is also for sure."

I started crying. 

"It's so beautiful!" I said sliding the promise ring on my finger. 

"I love you," he said kissing my lips softly. 

"I love you," I smiled brightly. 

"So I guess this means we'll have to put up a painting of grapes on our wall." 

                                                                               THE END

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