Chapter 6

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It was my first day taking over the store. My parents left in the morning. They went to stay with my aunt, Rita's mom. After school, I headed straight to the store. 

I was so excited and nervous. I ran over everything. I memorized the prices and places of items, made sure the shelves were straightened, and even practiced talking to customers.

"That'll be three dollars," I said with a cheerful smile in the mirror. 

About five minutes after I turned the sign from closed to open, three girls came in. I helped them and checked their items out. 

A woman with a screaming baby came in. She seemed to be in a hurry. She rushed down the aisles grabbing things while trying to hold the baby.

I hesitantly left behind the cash register. I went over to the woman with an empty box. "Here ma'am, let me help you." I carried the box while she put items in there. I cautiously looked back toward the cash register frequently. 

"Thank you so much for your help!" She said.

The rest of the day, many people came in. I was the only one there so it was hard trying to check out people's items and show people where to get things. Lorise came to help me out. Whenever the store was empty, which was rare, I would straighten the shelves. 

"Liberty, hi!" I heard Grammy's voice while I was straightening the shelves once. "Oh hi, Grammy!" She gave me a warm hug. 

"So, how was it?" I gave her a confused look. "You know, the picnic."

"Oh! I didn't know you knew about that." I said. 

"Oh yes! Bryson told me all about it. He wanted it to be good. He's not good at planning dates. He doesn't usually take girls on dates." I wasn't sure if she said that truthfully or because she wanted her grandson to look innocent, but I couldn't help but smile.

"Really? Well, it was wonderful. I really enjoyed myself. Bryson is really nice." She smiled widely. 

"Bryson is such a sweetheart! I'm not saying that just because he's my grandson. I mean it. I'm not a bias person." She stated and I believed her. Grammy didn't seem bias. If Grammy thought her grandson was a player, I believe she would've told me so. I was happy she didn't have to.

The day had gone well, but by night I was very tired. For dinner, I had ramen noodles. My mother called at 9:40 to see if I was okay. 

"Was managing the store hard?" She asked. "Not really, but I think we might need some baskets. Some customers are having a hard time carrying their things." I had planned on making some small baskets for the customers. I would get them the next day. I was too tired now.

I talked to my father for a minute about the store. I didn't hear too many noises in the background. "Is Rita there or auntie?" 

"Yeah, she's here." My mother answered. "Can I talk to her?" I asked planning on going off on her  for not inviting me. There was a bunch of whispers. "Uh, not now she's sleeping."

"Well, tell her I said we need to talk." We said our good nights. I knew I would still call her later.

I went to a supply store to get the baskets. The line was long. I was scared I wouldn't get to the store on time. 

The lady in front of me had a few items luckily, but when the cashier rang her up, she couldn't find her money. She began having what seemed to be a panic attack. 

"I know it's in here!" Her breathing became louder. I took out my purse and handed the cashier the amount needed. The girl looked at me shocked. 

"Oh thank you so much!" She hugged me tightly. "Of course. Things happen." I assured her. She hugged me once more and left.

 The store was very busy and the baskets came in handy. I was exhausted, once again, by the end of the day.

At home, I read Bryson's short story. Oh, it was so depressing. This guy's heart was terribly broken. I just wonder how can he write something like this without experiencing it. There's got to be more to this story than what's written. 

While I was trying to think, Lorise called. 

"Hey liberty, can I come over? Please say yes." She sounded desperate. I knew what this was about. "Of course! Bring you and yours." I heard a sigh of relief.

Not too long after, she was knocking on my door. When I opened the door for her, she went right past me and straight to the kitchen. 

"Hey, I'm doing great thanks!" I said with much sarcasm. "I'm sorry," she said with a bag of chips in her hand, "I haven't eaten all day." 

"Why didn't you?" I asked concerned. She stuffed a handful of chips in her mouth. "My parents were in the kitchen." She rolled her eyes. 

"Well, let me make you something that'll fill you up." I went to the cabinet and got out a box of rice. My homemade fried rice was much better than a China King.

"Can I stay here overnight?" She asked leaning on the counter. "I guess so." 

It wasn't gonna do harm. In plus, she needed a break from Tom and Jerry. 

"Great, because my clothes are in my car. I'll be back." I laughed at her. She knew I wasn't gonna say no. She came back with a huge bag. 

"How'd you get that past your parents?"

"They're too busy in each other's faces to notice anything. They won't even call. If they do notice I'm gone they won't do anything about it." She shrugged. I felt bad for her. It must've been really tough if they weren't even noticing their own daughter anymore. 

"How long do you plan on staying?" I asked a little nervous about her answer. 

"Forever!" My eyes widened. "Do you not want me here?" She asked poking her lip out. "I mean my parents do come back," I informed her. "Your parents love me."

"Yeah, but I'm not sure if they love you enough." 

"I can fend for myself. I can buy all my stuff. Can we at least ask?" I sighed. "Yeah, it won't do any harm I guess."

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