Chapter 16

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We pulled up to an apartment complex about 15 minutes away from my house. When we walked in, there were papers everywhere. 

"I'm sorry for the mess." It was the kind of mess I liked. A writer's mess. Besides the mess, it was a pretty nice apartment. He hurriedly picked up papers, pencils, and books. It smelled wonderful in his apartment.

"Here come on," he said reaching for my hand. He led me down the skinny hallway which led to a room. His room. There was no mess in here and it smelled even better. 

The bed looked so comfortable with its white sheets. I felt them and felt like I was touching clouds. My eyes widened at the memory of what Lorise said.

"One day you will see. One day a guy will sweep you so far up off your feet you'll be touching clouds."

I smiled and shook my head at the thought. I guess I didn't mind admitting she was right. 

"You'll be sleeping in here," Bryson said. He handed me a button down shirt. 

"And you can sleep in that." I smiled at him. I gave him a nice kiss. 

"Thank you," I said and quickly grabbed my throat. My voice came out very harsh from crying. 

"I'll get you some water." He laughed and left. I put on the button down on. I checked his room out some more while sitting on the bed. I could tell he always liked his room to be neat.

He came back in and handed me a glass of water. "Let me know if you need anything else." He closed the door as he walked out. I opened the door and followed him. 

"You need to go to bed. You have school." 

"Where are your covers?" 

"In the closet right there. You need some more?" He asked walking towards it. I stopped him. 

I went over to the closet and got out some blankets to make a pallet. It was the least I could do since he let me stay knowing he could get in serious trouble. 

He came over and looked at it. He smiled. "Thank you so much beautiful!" 

"No, thank you!" We kissed again. He stared into my eyes for a minute. He then licked his lips and decided he wanted another one. No matter how long or short these kisses were, they still felt so good.

I went back to his room and laid in the comfortable bed. The pillows smelled like him. I relaxed. I couldn't go to sleep, though. I thought about my parents and what they had just told me. It made me feel like I was alone. Like everyone knew about my grandmother except for me. I walked back out to see what he was doing. 

He was in the living room standing around his papers. He had his hand in his hair and his shirt was unbuttoned. A sight to be seen. 

He turned and looked surprised to see me. "I thought you were asleep." 

"I couldn't. I wanted to see what you were doing. What's the problem?" 

He pulled me on the couch with him. I laid back and he put his head on my stomach. This was comfortable.

"You know when you have so much you want to write, but you just don't know what to write first or which one is more important to write?" He looked at me as if he were hoping I understood. I did and I let him that. 

"Write it all," I told him. "Write all of it. Whatever it is. Forget whatever rules you have in your head. Write everything you want. I don't care if it's 100 poems or 200. Write them all." 

I rubbed his head. I was sure he had a headache. "I wish I could always be with you like this," he said still looking at me. He smiled, that smile. 

"Me too," I said smiling back. 

We stayed like that for some time. We enjoyed each other's company in silence. I was thinking of him and I could tell he was thinking of me. 

"I really needed this," he said, "I can hear the gears going in my brain already."  I giggled.

"I know what'll help me go to sleep."

"Anything for my baby." 

"Tell me a bedtime story."

He gave me a confused look, but he shrugged. We walked back to his room. He tucked me in like I was a little kid again. 

"There's this place called Secretland," he began.

"Creative, Bryson." 

"Hush, woman! So, in Secretland no one is allowed except for this man. He won't let anybody come there. It's all to himself. He sounds selfish, but he just doesn't want anyone to ruin the specialty of Secretland. In Secretland, no one can hurt anyone or anything. Secretland is a place for fun and happiness," I smiled at him already enjoying his little story. 

"One day when the man is in the real world, he meets this woman. She's the most beautiful, kind, and giving person. They become best friends instantly. They're always together and they're always having fun. He isn't sure if he wants to show her his Secretland, though. One day, the woman is crying. The man asked her what was wrong and she said that she sees so much hurt around the world that it's starting to depress her. To make her feel better, he decides to show her his Secretland. He's afraid to, but when they walk through the door and they spend the day in there together he couldn't have been happier." He smiled. 

"I want to go there." I said. 

"I'll be able to show you one day." 

He rubs my hair and leans in. He kisses me on my forehead. "Goodnight my little angel." He teases. "Oh, Bryson stop!" He laughs and walks toward the door.

"Bryson!" He turns around with a smile still on his face. "I love you." 

He grins. "I love you too, baby!"

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