Chapter 12

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Bryson and I talked on the phone every day. Every time the phone rang, I got excited and jumpy. My mother laughed every time and said, "Liberty guess who!" I would grin from ear to ear.

"Bryson?" She nodded. 

"Hi, Bryson!" I smiled into the phone. "Hi, beautiful! You wanna meet me at the coffee shop today?" I beamed. "Of course!

I headed over to Grammy's, but I got there before Bryson. "Hi, Grammy!" 

"Oh Liberty, hi!" She came from around the counter and hugged me. I remembered that it was getting closer to my graduation time. 

"Grammy, would you like to come to my graduation on May 22nd?" I knew she would come, but asking was polite. "Yes, I would love to! I'll bring Bryson as well." 

As if Bryson heard Grammy speak his name, he walked in. He smiled, that smile, and shook his head. "My, my, my." I smiled and hugged him. He felt so warm. I wanted to stay in his arms forever. 

"You're really happy to see me." He grinned. I rolled my eyes. "I'm always happy to see you." Grammy was smiling. 

"Bryson we were just talking about Liberty graduating soon. You're gonna come with me." She stated more than asked. "Yes, ma'am." He wrapped his arm around my waist. I held on to him. I felt so happy at that moment. I didn't think it was possible to be that happy. 

"I think we're gonna have dinner afterward," I said. "Make sure I can sit next to the special girl." He stared me in the eyes. The typical shivers went throughout. 

"That depends. Some other guys may want to sit next to me. Maybe y'all can rotate." We all laughed.

"You two teasing each other reminds me of Bryson's parents. Have you met them yet, Liberty?" 

"No ma'am, I haven't." I did want to see what they were like. Bryson made them sound so cool. 

"They are the loveliest people. Bryson, why don't you take her by there?" He looked at me. "Do you want to go?"

"Sure!" He shrugged. "Okay let's go then."

We pulled up to a pretty white, two-story house. When we got to the door, Bryson gave it three soft knocks. 

A man who looked like a giant came to the door. He had to be 6'5 or taller. He was very handsome though. He looked to be in his late 30s or early 40s. He was clearly happy to see Bryson.

"Hey, Bryson!" He hugged him. He then looked at me. His eyes widened. "Who is this beautiful lady?" The man reached his hand out.

"This is Liberty. Liberty this is my dad, Bryce." I shook his hand. "Did he force you into the car?" Bryce, or Mr. Johnson, asked suspiciously. I smiled at his humor. 

"No, surprisingly I agreed." He laughed uncontrollably. "She's funny! Come in!" He waved us inside. 

"Addey," Mr. Johnson yelled up the stairs, "come downstairs, Bryson's here. He brought a guest!" A few seconds later, a woman in a long, white dress came downstairs. She was beautiful! She had dark chocolate skin, dark brown eyes, and long black hair.

"Hello," her voice was so smooth and light. "I'm Adeline, Bryson's mother!" Her smile was just like Bryson's. So amazing! I could see why Bryson said I was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen after his mother. 

"Hi, I'm Liberty," I said a bit nervous and intimidated. "Oh yes, you're the friend that my mother talked about. Remember, baby?" She said looking at Bryce. He thought for a second.

"Oh, you're the Liberty!" He said smiling. I was confused. "Where'd you meet?" 

"At Grammy's coffee shop," I said. "Grammy?" They both asked looking confused. "She sees grandma as her grandmother," Bryson explained for me.

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